Phillip Brantley: The science community has determined that Intelligent Design is …

Comment on My Goal for La Sierra University by Nic Samojluk.

Phillip Brantley: The science community has determined that Intelligent Design is not science.

Christian education should lead towards a belief in a Creator, not sway from him. If an Adventist university is either unable or unwilling to perform such a duty, it should divorce itself from the Adventist church. Why should my tithes and offering be used to destroy the Christian faith in a Creator of my children and grandchildren? What is the point of mimicking at great expense what public universities have been doing for decades?

If our Adventist teachers prefer to do no more than what government universities have been doing, then perhaps I should divert my tithes and offerings to said non-Christian entities or else to other countries where the Adventist leaders do not allow their Adventist Schools to mismanage sacred funds for the purpose of turning our children away from a belief in a Creator and leading our youth towards agnosticism. In fact I have decided to do just that.

Most of my tithes and offerings are no longer channeled through the regular church coffers. The Quiet Hour and many Adventist church entities outside the U.S. are doing a much better job in advancing the cause of God and in educating our youth than some of our Adventist universities in America. A friend of mine living outside the U.S. was asked to write an evangelistic book to be widely distributed and our members were asked to pay for the printing of a million copies.

In a short time they had to print more, and the last I heard was that thirteen million copies have been printed and distributed. Someone commented that the author of said book must be rich by now. Not so, my friend responded. “I have taken not a penny in royalties for my work of writing it.” This type of work deserves to be supported with our tithes and offerings instead of schools which promote a disbelief in a Creator.

I am glad for this debate and I am giving an A to Sean Pitman and an F to Phil Brantley. As far as Intelligent Design is concerned, Sean has spoken what makes a lot of scientific sense. When I find hieroglyphics and highly elaborate paintings in a cave, my scientific mind and my common sense force me to assign said evidence not to natural phenomena but rather to the action of Intelligent Design. Nature testifies to the action of a very intelligent Creator who demands my admiration and worship.

Recent Comments by Nic Samojluk

LSU, Pacific Union Conference and North American Division Sued
@Professor Kent:

Professor Kent August 14, 2011 at 11:14 pm

“There is no doubt whatsoever that modern science rejects the claims of Scripture that Lazarus and Jesus were resurrected several days following their death. All empirical evidence and human reason declares Scripture to be FALSE with these claims. And yet you, and I–and Sean Pitman, I can only presume–all agree that these resurrections took place. We accept these miracles for one reason and one reason only: faith. And this because we know with certainty that faith in God’s Word is superior to faith in Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, and the Flying Spaghetti Monster (although Sean Pitman claims there is no distinction).

Do you, like Sean Pitman, have a problem with faith? Do you endorse his persecution of those who accept the supernatural events of scripture on the basis of faith?”


Yes, we accept the fact of Jesus’ resurrection based on faith, but said faith rests solidly on all the miraculous events connected with the life of Christ and the testimony of all the witnesses who saw him and talked to him following his resurrection.

This is not Blind Faith, but rather faith based on solid evidence. This is the kind of faith Educate Truth defends.