First of all, let me say that the issue at …

Comment on LSU undergraduate biology bulletin by Jonathan Armstrong.

First of all, let me say that the issue at hand is foundational to the direction and future of this Church. It is my Theological view that Darwinian Evolution, or any other variant, is completely incompatible with Biblical Christianity. I base my beliefs on the same foundation that has been fully explored by Sean Pitman, David Asscherick, David Read, and other like-minded individuals.

I strongly agree that Seventh-day Adventists must preserve those beliefs that form the foundation of our movement. While I agree that we are the End-Time Remnant Church, I think there is more at stake than our identity as a Church. Our Identity as Children of God is being threatened. Progressive Adventists may assert that this is nonsense, and just the ramblings of fundamentalists, but Faith offers purpose to life in a way that mere culture can’t. Without a concrete belief system founded upon universal truth there can be no true faith, because there is no real substance.

With that said, I do have a serious concern over the way some well-intentioned Adventists will attack an issue by attacking people. There is a way to handle this problem that I believe will be far more productive than combat. It is our calling to lovingly educate our church members with the truth of the gospel and the authority of God’s Word. We need to be aware of institutions that teach ideas that are incompatible with our faith, and encourage our young people to attend universities that uphold our values. In addition we need to exercise our freedom of speech and advise our leaders that we are discontent with their decisions to allow this kind of open rebellion against Adventism to continue.

Why do we forget that we don’t have to fight God’s battles for Him? God has called us represent Jesus in all we do. If we will love our brethren unconditionally and live like we belief, the enemy will have no weapon to prevail against us. God fights for us, and for His own sovereignty. He will deal with those who would fight against Him. Do we pray for their Salvation? Do we speak kindly to them as fellow sinners in need of a redeemer? Do we assume that these are evil men and women, bent on the destruction of our way of life, or is it possible that they are as we have all been, sincerely trying to understand a sinless, infinite God with a sinful, finite mind?

Could it be that, to a degree, we are to blame? Many of the people involved in the Progressive Adventist Movement are generational Adventists. Have we pushed them away with cold legalism and shallow doctrine taught not from the light that flows from the cross of Christ? It is true that we must all take responsibility for our own actions, but we must also be responsible for our brethren (Galatians 6:1-3). In the judgement each person will stand or fall based on the choices they made for themselves, but we we also have to give an account for those we led away from Christ by our words and actions.

My encouragement to all who read this is to win souls for Jesus Christ by proclaiming the truth of the Gospel with boldness and in love. Put yourself aside and be like Jesus by selflessly reaching out those in need. When the truth is shining brightly the darkness is exposed for what it really is.

Blessings to all,