Maybe I should rephrase my statement: they (Educate Truth, Sean …

Comment on LSU Faculty Senate supports biology department by Shannon.

Maybe I should rephrase my statement: they (Educate Truth, Sean Pitman, David Assherick) are not asking teachers to even find employment else wear. They are asking LSU to be honest and publicize that this is what the teachers are teaching to students. I think that what a lot of us realize is that it would end up the same way essentially if they did as LSU’s main client base is till Adventist. I guess I could be wrong though. Educate Truth’s name lives up to that point as to make constituents aware of these facts. Seems like it has gotten some heat for it as well.

Shannon Also Commented

LSU Faculty Senate supports biology department
John Testerman: It seems as though the only goal is to keep young people in the church but what we believe may not be an issue salient to that goal given your statement. In other words, we want as many people to join and it doesn’t matter what you believe but the end will justify the means to keep you in the church or bring you here. Sounds more like a Universalist Church and not an Adventist Church.

Can we make up our minds. We are what we are. Why do we need to change what we are to be more popular though it does not agree with the Bible when the stated goals of our church is to stick with the Bible and the measuring rod with this as the ruler for all other things to be judged? Suddenly, we need to change who we are because people may leave? Then it isn’t our church–we will be someone else. Why not just have a group of people that do not agree with what the Seventh-day Adventist church believes start a church that believes whatever you want and go from there as opposed to change everyone else?

I am really fine with people believing whatever they want. The problem I have is that the Seventh-day Adventist Church states that it’s beliefs are based on the Bible. You can choose to joint this group or leave it freely. You can complain all you want about it’s beliefs. You can even try to explain a different view of scripture to everyone and see if they read it your way. In the end, it is still a group that is bound together with a certain set of common beliefs. If you don’t hold to them, you are free to not be a part of it or still associate if you would like. I think the issue from this website’s perspective and a lot of the people writing’s perspective is that if you are representing a group in a free country as a paid position whether a teacher or pastor, you should feel comfortable and in agreement with teaching their beliefs. If not, then you are stealing and lying and should find employment else ware.

LSU Faculty Senate supports biology department
Ernie Medina: Thanks–I know that there is no such thing and everyone and always and never. I’m not even sure that half the the professors really know what is going on. They have just heard that someone is attacking the Biology department. It is nice to have someone local who has a level head that can talk to people and find out what is really happening.

In the end, in their defense of the school and department they may be defending something that shouldn’t be defended–like you said–I agree with you.

I would like to chime in one other thing–because you know one of my family members has been involved from the beginning, I have been following this issue for a long time. In my opinion, after multiple pleadings and contacts personally with students to teachers and then to department chairs and then administrators and then contacting a mediator who did this all 5-7 years ago and got no where at the school level. Then there was a repeat of the process this last time through the staff and administrators to the conference and finally the union and then the Division and GC–all of whom ignored the requests for intervention or address to the issue by my family member–only once additional weight of Pastor David Asherick stepped forward did there seem to be a response. Also, this web site has been as God send as well. But, after all of this, there were fingers pointing saying why was this not kept private and also then the complaints of Matthew 18. I do not know how it could have been followed more completely. Let me see–if the other party ignores it long enough you don’t get to do anything–did Jesus say anything like that there? No he said to take it to larger and larger groups until you took it to the whole body of believers and that is what is being done!

Take care and blessings.

Recent Comments by Shannon

Dr. Ervin Taylor: ‘A truly heroic crusade’
Carl and Sean,
Great summary Sean!
Carl, I do not think that Sean’s point is that he was trying to prove 6000-10,000 years. He was trying to decided which was more tenable–the traditional Biblical understanding of Genesis or the more Evolutionary from a Scientific perspective. Given the evidence, he feels that the weight is further from the ultra long–both take as certain amount of faith in the end. You just start with having to decide between the 2 ideas–Short or really long–I don’t think that there is a third choice religiously or scientifically out there at this moment.

My feeling is that it is always going to be nice to see some evidence but in the end, you will have to decide in faith. That is what you will do with the science or with the religion. Right at this time, I think we are all going to have to chose if we are going to make a religion out of science or not. If not, I think we better stick with what the Bible says and it is pretty straight forward to me. Then, it will always be nice to get a little back up from the science but we don’t have to.



PS–The Bible advises not to sleep with your neighbor’s wife. If society said otherwise, and 99.9% of experts said it was okay, would you do it? Some things we just will get wrong.

Dr. Geraty clarifies his “Challenge” to literal 6-day creationism
Shane: Thank you. You comment was better worded than I could have explained. promoted on 3ABN
Michael: When you become an apostle or prophet–you can write letters–long ones– of discipline with strong language even as necessary. A lot of people use this as the norm to be able to talk to strangers and acquaintances the same way they would discipline their children when they have not established any status for this or knowledge for the other party to base any ability to judge or respect. More than likely the other will react negatively. This is not the case for the majority of us and will not be. When or if you obtain leadership in our church this may change for you but until that time you may not be able to instruct as such. The funny thing about the internet is that there is no way of telling as I said before so you have to assume the other person has no idea so the best to do is act as such with kindness and explanation.

Examples: “Where do I begin?” “poor bible student and quite ignorant of church history.” “Really?”

Maybe, maybe you were just being just a little defensive. Do you think the evolutionists will go any easier on you? Especially if you are trying to tell them they are of the devil.

Your quote of Timothy with exposure of sin before the church to reduce the chance of having it happen again–how would you go about that if you were in charge. I know a personal friend that had that happen to them–they left the church for many years–they were brought before the church and asked to confess their sin before the whole congregation at church. Yes, it was a sin. There was no 2 ways about it. So in front of a church filled with people a 16 year old girl told how she got pregnant out of wedlock! It is this type of misinterpretation of scripture that hurts people, their understanding of God and our church! Sin has to be handled and removed correctly–a leader should have the responsibility to confess to the church a public issue or sin. A 16 year old with a private sin may best need to deal with a few people at a time and specifically confess and ask forgiveness to the family she lives with and maybe the one of her significant relationship. promoted on 3ABN
Justin: You are obviously biased. I’m sorry you see it that way. I did use the Bible and did not insinuate that Micheal did not know what he was talking about. I’m glad you are happy about being right though. It is nice to feel that way. . . . promoted on 3ABN
Michael: You have no idea who I am or what my education is. The internet on a discussion site is no place for long explanations and arguments. Basic quotes and beliefs are simple for explanation or understanding. More will not get the job done in this format. Making judgments as to education and ignorance is usually comparative and not too accurate. My statements were made on the other hand off of your ongoing aggressive and demeaning use of wordage in our discussion and discussion with others that don’t happen to agree with you.

You may find that the world will all be much less smart that you if you use agreement with you as the criteria. There are a lot of people that use this as a criteria by the way and I have been treated badly by many of them. Some of them are probably much smarter that you and me put together. Just because of that does not make them right or any more believable.

Respect truly comes as a result of the ability to be respected.