Bob&#032Pickle: “HMS Richards Divinity School.” I didn’t know that HMS Richards …

Comment on Louie Bishop Testifies, Again, about His Experience at La Sierra University by Shani.

“HMS Richards Divinity School.”

I didn’t know that HMS Richards was divine. Sounds about as strange as “Master of Divinity.”

@Bob Pickle: Divinity refers to the school curriculum being geared toward study of the divine not the “divinity” of the founder.

Shani Also Commented

Louie Bishop Testifies, Again, about His Experience at La Sierra University
It never fails to amaze me that apparently otherwise intelligent people can even seriously consider let alone believe Theistic Evolution. Seems the issue would be settled at day three when the vegetation was created…seriously how did the plants survive till the sun, moon, and stars were developed? How did the plants survive with out the living creatures (day 5) that pollinate and help distribute seeds.

Day 1: The heavens, the earth, light and darkness.

Day 2: Heaven

Day 3: Dry land, the seas, and vegetation.

Day 4: The sun, the moon and the stars.

Day 5: Living creatures in the water, birds
in the air.

Day 6: Land animals and people.

Day 7: God rested and blessed the Sabbath
making it Holy.

To me Theistic Evolution is even less plausible then Darwinian Theory which I find just as ridiculous as the Big Bang Theory.