Comment on La Sierra University Resignation Saga: Stranger-than-Fiction by Holly Pham.
Charles: @Holly Pham: I would agree that we need to state the truth. Seems I am clearly on that side. I think there comes a point of futility as well.
Charles, Why would you think defending Truth would be futile? If those who support Truth, as it’s stated in the bible, had as much or more enthusiasm as those who defend error, don’t you think our church would be better? With God on our side, won’t we be successful? Or am I wrong?
Hasn’t God already shown He is aware of problems at LSU and has started to show His power in revealing it, although we may be surprised at how He does it?
Holly Pham Also Commented
La Sierra University Resignation Saga: Stranger-than-Fiction
Charles: @Holly Pham: HollyI think you misunderstand my point. The “futiity” I speak of is in changing anyone’s mind on this board. This board is highly polarized and I have not seen anyone change their mind. In fact, most are making increasingly stronger stands for what they advocate (on both sides of the issues). And maybe that is a good thing.A
I’m sorry that I misunderstood your point. Yes, I agree that not many if any minds will be changed. But, is that why this website was started–to change the minds of those who post here?
I believe that Shane and Sean are trying to bring to the attention of more of our church members the problem of teaching evoluion as fact at La Sierra. And they have done a fantastic job! Spectrum and Adventist Today have actually helped them publicize this to thousands of our church members and to those in authority(thank you Dr. Taylor!).
We have already seen how the General Conference and NAD have at least begun to look at this situation.
And God has already had one professor removed as well as several others who appear to deserve being removed also. Some were surprise how it happened, but God has His own ways of handling things, if and when we don’t act ourselves. I don’t think He’s through yet, though!
La Sierra University Resignation Saga: Stranger-than-Fiction
Faith –I do appreciate your posts.But remember, this battle is the Lord’s and no one is a match for Him.
The great revealed “accidental” recording wherein the professors implicated themselves for who they really are:Think that was really an accident?Is there any way that any person could have ever accomplished what was accomplished by that little snafu?
The battle is the Lord’s.We should be focused on witnessing for Him concerning the soon-coming “end of the world”. I am trying to pull away from so much debate with these guys.They are better than me at arguing – and few if any have ever been won to the Truth by losing an argument anyway.
There is a benefit from all of this.It gives me reason to treasure even more deeply what I know to be the truth about how we got here, why we are here, and where we go from here.
Charles, Don’t you think we, as individual human beings, should be as active promoting Truth as are those who promote error?
La Sierra University Resignation Saga: Stranger-than-Fiction
Thank you Bob, Faith, Nic, Bill
Sorensen, and others who are continuing to state the Truth on this website.
Recent Comments by Holly Pham
NCSE Report: Adventist Education in the Midst of a Sea of Science
Why do accrediting bodies have the right to force religious universities to teach what they demand they teach? Is it not a violation of religious freedom to demand that evolution exist as the only exclusive worldview? Why have we given scientists the role of Papel See?
La Sierra is under no demand to teach “evolution as fact” as many other colleges and universities, SDA and non-SDA teach “about evolution” but do not teach it as factual. La Sierra WANTS to teach evolution as fact, and will do anything it can to keep on keeping on teaching it!
La Sierra Univeristy Fires Dr. Lee Greer; Signs anti-Creation Bond
David Read: @Sean Pitman: There is certainly documentation somewhere of what the remainder of the bond funds was spent on. I imagine that the University was required by the bond trustee to document the capital projects the money was used on (because the funds could not be used for salaries or ordinary current operation expenses). So this is probably a public document that can be obtained through the freedom of information act.Also, I imagine that this information has been made available to the Board of Trustees and/or constituents, so if you have any contacts in those bodies, ask for the information.Keep digging, because you or Shane will find this information somewhere.
Dave, I agree with you completely. We need to have this investigated by somebody or some SDA group, preferably the GC. But, I do not think anyone there will step up to do it. So, we do need Shane, Sean, or someone.
La Sierra Univeristy Fires Dr. Lee Greer; Signs anti-Creation Bond
Charles: the
Charles, I agree with you. But, this type of reasoning is very common among liberals. This past Sabbath on LLBN, John Jones and Ivan Blazen tried to convince Carolyn Thompson that sin is “relative” meaning that something may be a sin to one person, but not to another.
She questioned them, and offered examples, and they stuck to this idea.
Dr. Ariel Roth’s Creation Lectures for Teachers
That is why I remain open to scientific investigation of the concept of Intelligent Design. In fact, as many of you know, I have advocated for and agreed to support a Chair in Intelligent Design at any Adventist university. Strangely, not a single person has taken me up on the idea. Why?Your agnostic friend
Ken, No “Chair of Intellegent Design” needs to be started, since our whole philosophy is of Intellegent Creationism. Nobody has taken you up on it because it is not needed. We need to have our SDA institutions supporting all of our beliefs, not just one “Chair”.
Changing the Wording of Adventist Fundamental Belief #6 on Creation
Bill Taylor:
By faith you believe in creation and by faith you believe in evolution!!What do you want to place your faith in God or Man?
You are completely correct. Who are we to believe? God? Man’s “wisdom?” Liberals and progressives believe in human wisdom over what God has said.
We see that at La Sierra, very prominently, and they are PROUD of it!