@CBOND Yes peer review is what keeps science honest.I think the …

Comment on Former LSU student letter reveals professor’s agenda by Mark.

Yes peer review is what keeps science honest.I think the trouble with our biology classes is that there is no peer reviewed liturature to support a literal recent creation.The teachers can’t teach what isn’t there.One of the questions I would like a theologian to address is, If God did in fact create the world about 10,000 years ago, why did he create it to look like it is millions of years old?Is that not dishonest of God?What possible motivation could he have for lying to us?  

These statements and the question of a lying motivation for God and dishonesty is just phishing. Are you looking for reasons to be a Christian? The first reason to be a Christian is the foundation that God does not and cannot lie. If you are struggling with this concept you need to spend as much time in Scripture as possible and avoid approaching the topic discussed here. Finish your milk.