Rather than taking a position for or against evolution, it …

Comment on Dr. Geraty clarifies his “Challenge” to literal 6-day creationism by Gary Fordham.

Rather than taking a position for or against evolution, it might be well for us to observe carefuly all the facts. Let’s candidly look at what evidence there is for evolution and what are some of the weaknesses of the theory of evolution. If all we do is react negatively to those who view things differently than we do, then we will never come to consensus. Those who believe in 6 days of creation 6000+ years ago need to consider that if death did not exist in Eden then the vast majority of animal species have gone through significant evolution to now prey on other animals. Even all the protective adaptation witnessed in nature witnesses to a lot of change since creation. Creationists must also explain where dinosaurs came from. Surely the meat-eating ones did not exist in Eden. Those who believe creation took place in 6 days 6000+ years ago need to come up with convincing explanations for the fossil record. Why are most mammals not found buried in older strata?

Let’s look at the facts and seek to understand the evidence rather than argue over a theological position that may or may not be correct. Surely there is much we can agree on and concerning the rest, do more research.