Thomas: Holly,Independence from Loma Linda isn’t that much of a …

Comment on Former board member never talked with biology faculty by Holly Pham.

Thomas: Holly,Independence from Loma Linda isn’t that much of a factor. The prior dean (he stepped down in 02 or 03 and still works at the medical center as a physician) of the medical school is also a huge proponent of evolutionism with at least a couple books on the topic to his credit.

You may be correct, but it is a fact that since La Sierra has been “independent” it has elected three of the most secular, humanistic non-biblical men in our denonomination, Fritz Guy, Lawrence Geraty, and Randall Wisbey to lead the university. Do you think that is simply a coincidence?

Could nobody better be found than these three embarrassing men?

Holly Pham Also Commented

Former board member never talked with biology faculty

ERK: The more this saga unfolds it is very apparent that the union prez and university prez have a very heavy hand, are determined to micromanage, and unwilling to even listen to comments of truly independant board members who are not on the church payroll.Independent board members are crutial to the cocept of a University. If LSU wants to be a “Bible College”, then let the “ordained” have all the power, and rename the institutiton “LaSierra Bible College”

So, who would you put in at La Sierra who is “independent?” Howard Stern? Erv Taylor? Desmond Ford?

Former board member never talked with biology faculty

Dave: As a graduate of (then) Loma Linda University – La Sierra, I cannot even believe we are all having this discussion over Bible truth. Honestly, it breaks my heart every time I come to this website, to read about the goings-on at my alma mater. I just cannot believe we have come to this point in our history as Adventists.

Dave, What year did you graduate? These problems did not just start recently. Were things better when you attended La Sierra?

Former board member never talked with biology faculty

Shane&#032Hilde: @Alexander Carpenter: I would readily agree since Educate Truth supports the biblical account of creation and disagrees with the handling of the topic in the biology department. This was a political move by Wisbey to gain power on the board. He now has three less who oppose him.

You’re absolutely correct Shane. The “secret” tape states that President Wisbey will consider people for the four new Board positions if they have “six figures” or more. So, do we have anyone here who “qualifies” for these positions?

And, if your “figures” start with “25” or higher, you evidently go to the top of the list!

Recent Comments by Holly Pham

NCSE Report: Adventist Education in the Midst of a Sea of Science

Why do accrediting bodies have the right to force religious universities to teach what they demand they teach? Is it not a violation of religious freedom to demand that evolution exist as the only exclusive worldview? Why have we given scientists the role of Papel See?

La Sierra is under no demand to teach “evolution as fact” as many other colleges and universities, SDA and non-SDA teach “about evolution” but do not teach it as factual. La Sierra WANTS to teach evolution as fact, and will do anything it can to keep on keeping on teaching it!

La Sierra Univeristy Fires Dr. Lee Greer; Signs anti-Creation Bond

David&#032Read: @Sean Pitman: There is certainly documentation somewhere of what the remainder of the bond funds was spent on. I imagine that the University was required by the bond trustee to document the capital projects the money was used on (because the funds could not be used for salaries or ordinary current operation expenses). So this is probably a public document that can be obtained through the freedom of information act.Also, I imagine that this information has been made available to the Board of Trustees and/or constituents, so if you have any contacts in those bodies, ask for the information.Keep digging, because you or Shane will find this information somewhere.

Dave, I agree with you completely. We need to have this investigated by somebody or some SDA group, preferably the GC. But, I do not think anyone there will step up to do it. So, we do need Shane, Sean, or someone.

La Sierra Univeristy Fires Dr. Lee Greer; Signs anti-Creation Bond

Charles: the

Charles, I agree with you. But, this type of reasoning is very common among liberals. This past Sabbath on LLBN, John Jones and Ivan Blazen tried to convince Carolyn Thompson that sin is “relative” meaning that something may be a sin to one person, but not to another.

She questioned them, and offered examples, and they stuck to this idea.

Dr. Ariel Roth’s Creation Lectures for Teachers

That is why I remain open to scientific investigation of the concept of Intelligent Design. In fact, as many of you know, I have advocated for and agreed to support a Chair in Intelligent Design at any Adventist university. Strangely, not a single person has taken me up on the idea. Why?

Your agnostic friend

Ken, No “Chair of Intellegent Design” needs to be started, since our whole philosophy is of Intellegent Creationism. Nobody has taken you up on it because it is not needed. We need to have our SDA institutions supporting all of our beliefs, not just one “Chair”.

Changing the Wording of Adventist Fundamental Belief #6 on Creation

By faith you believe in creation and by faith you believe in evolution!!What do you want to place your faith in God or Man?

You are completely correct. Who are we to believe? God? Man’s “wisdom?” Liberals and progressives believe in human wisdom over what God has said.

We see that at La Sierra, very prominently, and they are PROUD of it!