Sean, I have been following this thread of posts and most …

Comment on Faith without Evidence: Are we really a bunch of ‘Flat Earthers’? by Angelina.

I have been following this thread of posts and most of the others since the beginning of this website. I have experienced a whole range of emotions from anger to sadness to disdain and thankfully even hope, and have learned much in the process about God’s people and often wondered how it is that He continues to love us so. As someone who has stood for truth no matter the cost, I sincerely thank you for all you are willing to endure. May the Lord continue to give you strength, wisdom, understanding and PATIENCE [edit]. You have certainly been called to serve in such a time as this.

Recent Comments by Angelina

LSU Board says ‘we apologize’
@Professor Kent:

Unfortunately, I am not at all in a position to comment on SAU’s search for biology professors. I can only imagine how hard the task would be for them, and as you have described how frustrating, on the flipside, it would be to be interviewed for such a position. I’m afraid I don’t have answers, even any suggestions (strange because I always have something to say), only that I would leave it in the Lord’s hands. He is my go-to person.

You said:
“Who would want to teach at an institution with constituents who assume a priori you’re an evolutionist, dissect endlessly any statement that could be twisted to mean something sinister, expose to public ridicule on the internet anyone who fails to state “the weight of evidence favors the traditional SDA position” (Sean Pitman’s favored tactic), and send blanket hate mail to every biologist on the staff?”

In all fairness to Sean/Shane, you know that going viral was preceded by their repeated attempts to draw attention to the issue in other ‘quieter’ ways: in person and through letters. Didn’t work, did it? I’ve been on that end with my own battle, and believe me it’s no picnic. Being ignored, or politely listened to THEN ignored when there is a pressing issue at hand, certainly one which involves our youth, or in my instance young children, you don’t have time to sit back and wait hoping something will happen. You act. And, as a parent I am grateful to people like Sean/Shane for their willingness to take a public stand. You may not like their ‘tactics’ and mine were also criticized, but if standing for what is right means ruffling a few feathers resistant to change, then so be it.


LSU Board says ‘we apologize’
@Professor Kent:

No worries. No offence taken.

LSU Board says ‘we apologize’
@Professor Kent:

You said:
“For having those views, and for sharing their doubts, I don’t believe they should be faulted any more so than faculty who share their honoest views on dancing, caffeine or alcohol consumption, abortion, homosexuality, sex on the Sabbath, or other Adventist “hot potatoes.”

My reply:
The faculty did far more than ‘have a view, and share a doubt”. They TAUGHT their views on evolution as the only logical explanation of our origins. It is one thing to HAVE a view, quite another to TEACH it to the exclusion of and in opposition to the one and only Bible-based belief of origins on which the SDA church was founded.

You said:
“What the faculty should unquestionably be faulted for is insensitivity and failure to be more accomodating toward those who had divergent views.”

My reply:
Divergent views? So now, a view of Creationism as an explanation of origins in an SDA school is considered ‘divergent’? Did I understand that correctly?

The mere fact that this whole, sad and pathetic saga has gone on for this long is proof enough that incompetence has reigned supreme. Just because La Sierra’s administrators have now sprung into action does not undo decades of misuse of power, and leaving them in office going forward will only serve to fester the current situation of mistrust.

That said, I was honestly blown away to read they were issuing an apology. Not quite sure yet what the apology is for, but I am hopeful it is a step in the right direction. The next step should be a call for letters of resignation/termination. Yes, back to that, I’m afraid.


LSU Board says ‘we apologize’
Sorry. Not sure how to post with a quote.

Adventist High School Student

You said, “Those are unsubstantiated accusations. What we had was a largely orchestrated campaign of character assassination against professors at La Sierra by the extreme right-wing element in the church, the equivalent of the Tea Party in modern day politics.Like I said, falling to these ridiculous attacks will do little to help La Sierra. I know quite a few of my friends and I plan to attend non-Adventist colleges as a result of these concerns.”

My reply:

Unsubstantiated? What about Louie Bishop? What about Janelle and Jason Shives? To name just three. Do you really think people would be willing to put themselves out there, to suffer criticism and risk being misunderstood, ridiculed and ostracized if it weren’t true? Would you?

By all means, decide which college is best for you. But, make that decision having fairly considered all the facts. You may not favour the “right-wing element of the church” for a whole host of reasons, but those reasons should not impede your objectivity to the point where you callously choose to disregard real personal testimony.


LSU Board says ‘we apologize’

@Angelina: …As he has done so generously at Southern Adventist University with, what is it, four Biology positions open?

Perhaps this 4-year wait speaks to how far SDA scientists have strayed from Truth, scientific or not. I don’t know, but I choose not to question God’s ways. Not always easy, but liberating for sure.