Shane Hilde: I appreciate your statement. I did not know …

Comment on Educate Truth’s purpose and goals by Dorothy Skadsheim.

Shane Hilde: I appreciate your statement. I did not know that you had gone to La Sierra, and experienced those problems. I am proud of you for finally getting up the courage of your convictions. To me, it takes much more faith to believe in evolution than to believe in fiat creation. Since no one was there at the first creation, no one can be a first-hand witness, though Robert V Gentry’s discovery of Polonium Halos is very convincing to me. There certainly are many evidences of a world-wide flood, such as marine life at the top of Mount Everest. (Yes, I know that Mount Everest may not always have been that high, but I can not see how it could have been below ordinary sea level.) I am looking forward to seeing earth re-created after the millenium. I could not live with myself if I believed and was teaching contrary to the fundamental beliefs of my hiring organization. I would have to resign. (There is still plenty of room for mentally and spiritually stimulating discussion.)