Comment on Dr. Geraty Affirms the Literal Creation Week? by Alle in Oregon.
I just read this whole dialogue and wonder if you realize that the real question in all this about the week being literal is the Last Day of the week. If we don’t have a literal week we don’t have a literal Sabbath. We don’t have a day that God specifically designated and blessed to be His. We have an unspecified, immeasurable period that has little relevance to us. Frankly, you can call yourself anything, but a Seventh-day Adventist that doesn’t believe in a literal week is a misnomer. It is like an American who doesn’t believe in the constitution. Adventist’s aren’t progressive as in worldly terms. We are those who stand in the gap, following the Bible prophets who called the progressives of their day back to the old paths.
It amazes me that we educate ourselves into thinking that God doesn’t mean what He says. That as an all powerful Being, He couldn’t actually create everything in one 24 hour period or less if He chose. He chose a week period because it perfectly met the needs of His creation. It gave them time to work and time to meet with Him if they chose. We have that same opportunity to meet with Him on one day of a week that He created. Right? He created. If you miss the day He created saying it was Holy, a sign of His authority as creator, I’m afraid you may miss being sealed by His sealing Angel that will be looking for His denominted people! Have we completely forgotten the first Angel’s message of Revelation 14 that points us back to the God of creation? If we have questioned His Word we won’t understand & know what to come out of in the second message so the third doesn’t even matter anymore. I don’t think it is multiple choice….
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Recent Comments by Alle in Oregon
Northern California Conference Votes to Act Independent of the General Conference
My heart sank as I read this report. My thought was “the church will appear to fall” and here we see it happening. We have conditions in the world where the Pope and others are calling for fundamentalists (which we have been) to be labeled as terrorists and for a Sunday law, while we fight over who gets top billing and wages in our churches.
We recently visited friends in a small town on the Oregon coast. She told me she was amazed that the church there asked her to be an elder Then she went on to say that her husband was a deacon but she was an elder. She seemed amused but it isn’t funny. The spirit that was shown to my husband and me was not what could be perceived as a sanctified one.
We are in a hot bed of confusion right now. Most women in our churches look & act so worldly. Most look more like men than women. When I was a teenager unisex dressing became a fad. May be that is why we think feminism in the church is ok. Let the women rule over the church. God said that would happen to His people as a result of their rebellion (Isa 3:12) This is Korah, Dathan and Abrim saying we can minister and lead. I heard the report of members of TOSCA and how shocked they were at the lack of Biblical support given by those in support of WO and how much was quoted from sources many of us would still consider questionable. Those who say there is plenty of Biblical support are purposefully overlooking the overwhelming preponderance of evidence in the Bible starting in Eden, where God had Adam name the animals and gave him the warning about Satan before Eve was even created. She was given the position as Adam’s helpmate not taken from his head to rule over him. Why do we refuse God’s order and think we will be loyal to the Sabbath? That doesn’t make sense.
We are told we would repeat the history of Israel and right on the borders of the promised land we sure are!