Comment on La Sierra University won’t neglect creation teaching, president, chairman vow by Kenneth Mohler.
Sceintists have hidden the truth too long. A pure look at nature screams that there is a God. Today the evidence of DNA has removed all doubt about the myth of cross species. The monkey has been blown out of the box as man’s ancient parent and it is clear that God created each unique with unique DNA. No tumbling of bones can override the pure light of this discovery, yet some old fussils would keep us in the dark ages of Sceince. Virus can be shown to mutant it DNA to a new Virus but not to any other single cell organism. DNA is unique to every known species and the conclusion has to be, God made it that way. Darwin saw similarities, but he failed to look deep enough to find truth. Just ask a farmer about mixing apples and oranges, it does not work.