Not sure if this got published OK so I will …

Comment on The Rise of Theistic Evolutionism – The Salvation of Christianity? by Human Ape.

Not sure if this got published OK so I will try it one more time.

I’m a bit late here but this subject is interesting to me.

“It seems that, given his starting premise, Dawkins makes very good sense here. The effort to mix modern evolutionism with Christianity will end up destroying the very basis of Christianity. It really does make Jesus appear to be the lunatic Dawkins makes him out to be. The Gospel hope of Christianity, with regard to the futuristic claims of Jesus and the meaning of his life and death, simply don’t hold together in a rational way if the literal nature of the Genesis narrative is undermined.”

I agree Christianity can’t coexist with the acceptance of evolution. If we evolved from ancient apes, and if supernatural magic was not a mechanism of this development, then every single Christian belief is nothing more than a childish idiotic fantasy.

The good news is evolution has been an established truth for more than a century, and the more recent powerful evidence from molecular biology has made evolution the strongest fact of science.

The solution to this conflict is obvious. Christians should admit their religion is nonsense and they should throw it out.