@Johnny Logic: Johnny, When I stand up in defense of …

Comment on The Full History of La Sierra University vs. Louie Bishop by Nic Bleeker.

@Johnny Logic:

When I stand up in defense of truth, it is to stand up for my best Friend, Jesus. Sadly, in this world, if one does so, they are made to feel they are the enemies of society and of peace.

When someone within the family of God is opposing truth, does love require me to maintain the status quo, not to rock the boat? We are never to condemn, but we are required to warn, plead, entreat. If my brother is about to fall over the edge of a precipice while distracted, will I remain silent and watch him die or will I make an attempt to save him? Every time people embrace error in the form of Satan’s lies (no matter how much truth is attached to it)their eternal life is in jeopardy. We are our brothers keepers. See Zechariah: Speak everyone the truth with your neighbours and exercise the judgment of peace within your gates. Love rejoices not in iniquity but rejoices in the truth. There is no neutral ground on this planet. Friend of God = Enemy of Satan (and those he controls)and vice versa.

Nic Bleeker Also Commented

The Full History of La Sierra University vs. Louie Bishop
Professor Kent

I would like to communicate with you in private. Is there any way this would be possible?


The Full History of La Sierra University vs. Louie Bishop
Hi Dalton

I fully agree. Without the True and Living Christ of Creation at our side we will be overcome by Satan’s sophistries. I am not yet certain if what is being encountered in the ideas being presented here by some, particularly pauluc, is the Omega deception, but one thing I am certain about is that it is a manifestation of Christian Spiritualism which I encountered in the early 1980’s and which I battled against on my own. Were it not for the True Jesus standing by my side I would have been overcome. When Satan tried to overwhelm me with evolutionary ideas at an evolutionary university, Jesus lead me back to the Bible and showed me the truth that shows up the falsehoods of evolution. When Satan tried to overwhelm me with hopelessness associated with the fundamental philosophies of evolution, Jesus turned the valley of despair into a door of hope. When Satan tried to seduce me to believe in the immortality of the soul and that there is no need to resist temptation and overcome sinful ideas, habits and practices, Jesus pointed me back to the unfailing, reliable Word of God helping me to discern the eternal issues at stake. When Satan tried to push me into homosexuality, Jesus helped me to resist him through the Scripture weapons. When Satan mocked me in my bed in the middle of the night and said God will never accept me & my case was hopeless, Jesus drove out the enemy and spoke to me Psalm 23, giving me a peace beyond human description. When Satan tried to get me to reject the writings of Ellen White, along with my friends who followed Desmond Ford, Jesus drew near to me and said “Ellen White is dead and buried. You are not fighting against her. You are fighting against Me.” When Satan tried to get me to commit suicide, surrounding my soul with impenetrable darkness, Jesus took control of my car, challenged my thinking with the question after a vision of my mother weeping at the news of my death,”If this is how much your mother, with all her faults and failures loves you, think of how much I, your Creator, loves you.” When Satan would on countless occasions have taken my life, Jesus has stepped in and preserved me, warning me of danger, taking control of my car and removing me out of death’s path, etc. When Satan tried to get me to reject the validity of God’s eternal law, Jesus kept me anchored by the Scripture “Circumcision is nothing, uncircumcision is nothing, but the keeping of the commandments of God.”

I had an encounter one day with the Real Jesus, not on the Damascus road, but on the premises of Alcatel Altech Telecoms, in Boksburg, South Africa. Psalm 39:11 aptly describes the human encounter with the Divine. “When thou with rebukes dost correct man for iniquity, thou makest his beauty to consume away like a moth: surely every man is vanity. Selah”

The Christ of the New Age, of Christian Spiritualism and of Evolution can convert Christians into New Agers, Buddhists, Spiritiualists and Atheists. (I know. My friends that burnt EGW books went that way.) Satan has converted himself after a similitude of Christ, and shaped the ideas of Christians who are unguarded, twisting the Scriptures to teach a lie, so that when he appears as Christ, they will be prepared to receive him and deny the True Christ.

The True Christ converts people (sinners) into loving and lovable Bible believing intelligent Christians. He did it for me. I am not a perfect reflection of Jesus yet, but if I do not interpose a perverse will, when He comes I will be like Him. If I should die before then, when I awake I will be satisfied with His likeness.

The Full History of La Sierra University vs. Louie Bishop
@dalton: Hi Dalton

If something is entrenched, dealing with the root cause is the only way of solving the issue. Any other way will be equal to trying to kill a tree by plucking off its leaves. John the Baptist said that the axe is to be laid to the root in terms of the sin issue and conversion. In Malachi 4 we see the final steps God takes regarding the Great Controversy after having done all He could to save.