Dr. Pitman, You wrote “I may not agree with everything Zinke, …

Comment on Ted Wilson: No Room for Evolution as Truth in Adventist Schools by Richard.

Dr. Pitman,

You wrote “I may not agree with everything Zinke, Davidson, or Wilson might propose. In my opinion, it is most definitely a form of fideism to claim that the Bible needs no critical evaluation of any of its empirical claims to establish its credibility.”

Kudos to you for finally conceding that you do not adhere to the official church hermeneutic. But I am astonished that you have not called for the resignation of these well-respected church employees. I recall that you once suggested SDA scientists who teach acceptance of a recent 6-day creation on faith rather than evidence should resign because all they have to offer is blind faith. You even called for the resignation of one scientist who told attendees at the 2010 Atlanta convention that he accepted a recent 6-day creation on faith. To be consistent, why are you not calling for the resignations of Dr. Davidson, Mr. Zinke, and Elder Wilson? Have you had a change of mind, or have you decided that tolerance is a more prudent position?

Richard Also Commented

Ted Wilson: No Room for Evolution as Truth in Adventist Schools
Dr. Kime,

You wrote “So each time I read Sean’s take on it, I am again impressed, sometimes astounded. It’s not been put more clearly, and to me convincingly, even by St. Paul.”

And where would you be, Sir, with the fideism of Dr. Davidson, Mr. Zinke, and Elder Wilson? Do you think these gentlemen should have the integrity to resign since all they have to offer is blind faith? This is no trivial matter. We base our core beliefs on proper hermeneutics, and if these gentlemen are leading the church down the wrong path, should we not hold them accountable?