@Sean Pitman: Don’t worry, Paul. There are three types of …

Comment on Scientists and the Temptation to Bias Results by Sharon.

@Sean Pitman: Don’t worry, Paul. There are three types of people on this planet:

1 – Those who believe, like Dr. Pitman, that God and creation are real because they think for themselves and can see that the clear weight of evidence can only lead to this conclusion. This is a vanishingly small crowd, even within Adventism.

2 – Those who believe, like Dr. Pitman, that God and creation are real, but are fideists because they are impressed by the Holy Spirit when they read God’s word, and therefore their “faith” is as useless as belief in the Flying Spaghetti Monster. This happens to be a pretty big crowd within Adventism and Christianity, but they are hopelessly in left field.

3 – Those who reject a recent creation, regardless of whether they believe God is real, because they base their views on those of others and cannot think for themselves. Even if they do believe in God, they really can’t be Christian at all. You and billions of others are in this crowd. You should feel at home here.

Sharon Also Commented

Scientists and the Temptation to Bias Results
@Sean Pitman:

Sean Pitman: Finally, as far as Kurt Wise is concerned, I’m not a fan of his fideistic faith – as you well know.

Hey Paul, you apparently have the company of one very well-respected creationist. Fideists unite!