Eddie: What is the evidence for this statement? It is …

Comment on Revisiting God, Sky & Land by Fritz Guy and Brian Bull by Holly Pham.

Eddie: What is the evidence for this statement? It is a very strong allegation–and slanderous if it happens to be untrue.

Well, why was Greer fired? Does anyone know? What was the underlying reason?

Holly Pham Also Commented

Revisiting God, Sky & Land by Fritz Guy and Brian Bull

David Read:
@Holly Pham: Holly, Lee is contemplating a lawsuit against LSU and is not able to comment freely.The press release was written in consultation with Lee’s attorney, who has probably insisted that Lee not make any public comments not drafted by the attorney.

How about getting his attorney to come on and comment. They do this all the time on TV.

Revisiting God, Sky & Land by Fritz Guy and Brian Bull

Eddie: So you’ve heard Lee Greer’s side of the story, but these are not Lee’s words. What is your source of information for Wisbey’s thoughts?

Shane, Why don’t you invite Lee Greer on t ET to explain his side of the story?

Revisiting God, Sky & Land by Fritz Guy and Brian Bull


I am perplexed thatin the same paragraphyou try to absolveGod of responsibility for evil events,and in the sameparagraph, as part of your explanationyou say that “God allowed”.Don’t you see that in order someoneto “allow ” anything, that person first has to have the ability,as well as the authority to stop it.You even gave a reason for God to allow evil,“so we could see the evil consequences and be convinced”.How is that differentthan what I have been saying?We are describing the same proverbial elephantfrom just slightly different perspectives,useing slightly different words.

It sounds like, from your reasoning, that Jesus SHOULD have been killed on the Cross, since He “allowed” us to sin. It was really HIS fault, and He deserved all the suffering and death. Maybe we don’t really “need” Him at all?

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