Sean&#032Pitman: Not true.Uzzah deliberately ignored opportunities given to him to …

Comment on Northern California Conference Votes to Act Independent of the General Conference by Tongkam.

Not true.Uzzah deliberately ignored opportunities given to him to know the truth. His was not sincere or honest ignorance, but deliberate ignorance…

Please note that I did not say Uzzah was not ignorant. I certainly agree with you that Uzzah was ignorant. I simply said Uzzah was sincere. You seem to think God will overlook errors if we are sincere. But neither ignorance nor sincerity will commend us to God.

Tongkam Also Commented

Northern California Conference Votes to Act Independent of the General Conference
@Sean Pitman:

Sean, I’m sure Uzzah was sincere.

Northern California Conference Votes to Act Independent of the General Conference
@S. Heisey: I agree with what you are saying. This is why adding women’s ordination to our doctrinal repertoire is so problematic. There is simply no Biblical support for it. Contrariwise, the scriptures speak plainly of ordaining men.

Northern California Conference Votes to Act Independent of the General Conference
@Sean Pitman: It is not for me or others, of course, to question your sincerity. We all well know, however, the possibility of being sincerely wrong. In place of being sincere, we must study to show ourselves approved unto God–i.e., we should strive to be diligent. I may be sincere, but I would rather be praised for diligence than sincerity.

Diligence in this study requires some linguistic scholarship. Hebrew and Greek must be consulted to ascertain certain facts. For example, the “husband of one wife” passage becomes inescapably clear when a careful study is made of it. One cannot lightly add to the Word of God in twisting the phrase into “wife of one husband.” Nor can one lightly claim there is no distinction made between genders in the Bible on account of Galatians 3:28–doing so would enable homosexuality by the same interpretation. In fact, of course, the context is that of salvation and not of ordination nor of sexuality. But when the context does not suit the post-modern “progressives,” they wrest the lines that they like from it to leverage a thought never expressed in the original, supporting a concept foreign to its author. Thus they fall prey to a deception of their own making.

Mrs. White made clear that the last great deception would include self-deception. We see that happening among many today. The frightening thing with self-deception is that one may be oblivious to the fact. Sincerely self-deceived? How terrible the possibility! None of us can be confident of our own views except as they are based on a PLAIN “thus saith the LORD.”