Jdoe:”I don’t doubt Dr. Taylors’ sincerity,..” To be sincerely wrong …

Comment on Michigan Conference vs. LSU – Right Wing Politics or Truth in Advertising? by Faith.

jdoe:”I don’t doubt Dr. Taylors’ sincerity,..”

To be sincerely wrong is to be wrong still.

Faith Also Commented

Michigan Conference vs. LSU – Right Wing Politics or Truth in Advertising?

Brian Holland: Unfortunately, “Unbelieving Members” of the Adventist church (I don’t like the labels of “Liberal” or “Progressive”. In many ways I am both Liberal and Progressive) see the church as a democracy. Hence, all you need to do in the democratic process is to get the numbers on your side and you can thus legitimately change church policy and doctrines

So, Brian do you see Heaven as a democracy? Seems to me that follows the lines of Satan’s reasoning way back before the Creation of the Earth. He seemed to think that the Law should be changed to reflect the angels’ beliefs. Sorry to be the one to point this out to you, but the Law is the relection of the character of God. It is changeless. It has nothing to do with the general population of the universe and is not based on popular vote. If you will notice, the Hebrew nation was ruled by a Theocracy before the Kings came along. It was never God’s plan to have any other type of government for His people. And Heaven is and always will be a Theocracy.

To me it is the height of arrogance to think that we can change the doctrines of God’s church that was established on the truth of God–by His clear direction. It doesn’t matter how many people come into our church and decide they don’t want to follow the doctrines of the church, they don’t have the right to change anything God has established. They are not forced to believe anything against their conscience, they are free to leave and seek some other church that holds the same beliefs they do, but they don’t have the right to change anything in the SDA church. The church is not a political democracy. God is the supreme ruler of both His church and His Heaven. Period.

Michigan Conference vs. LSU – Right Wing Politics or Truth in Advertising?
I have often wondered how the professors, who are supposed to be so intelligent, can go so far astray. The thought struck me this morning that perhaps it is because higher education considers it a virtue to learn to doubt everything. I have no problem with “prove all things; hold fast that which is good.” But there is a huge difference between studying to confirm your beliefs and learning to doubt what you have been taught in the past.

I think the professors have learned to doubt so long that they have lost the foundation for their beliefs. And, in turn, they encourage their students to doubt–so now we have a multiplicity of doubting Thomases in our church. Stop for a moment and think about that–did Jesus commend Thomas for his doubting? No, He said blessed are those who believe without seeing. So why are these tactics allowed to go on in our schools? The teachers and professors should be there to affirm our beliefs, not strip them away. I believe that this can account in a large part for the loss of so many young people who go through our institutions and then leave the church. Their faith, instead of being affirmed, is being destroyed.

Add to this that some bright light in the general conference decided that numbers of converts were more important than thoroughly grounded converts,and we now have a large population in the church who constantly look to the world for better ideas instead of looking to the Scriptures and SOP, the guidelines God gave us as a most precious gift.

Years and years ago, when I started studying the Collegiate quarterlies I was shocked to see quotations from outside religious leaders, such as Anglican bishops, rather than SOP. I could see what was coming even back then, and I wrote to the GC and protested, but to no avail.

When the children’s divisions began an new program a few years back I saw the worldliness in it and protested yet again–but again to no avail. Time and time again I have heard people say that we need to open the door and let in fresh ideas. Yet what have we really let in? I contend that we have let the devil into our church to bring in the worldliness that we were so long successful in keeping out. It has come in like a flood and we now see the results. Our institutions are corrupt, our quarterlies often contain heresy, our leaders have, in the past, been working behind the scenes to embroil the church in chaos. A good example of this is the spiritual formation that our leaders became involved with and actually sent OUR SDA ministers to Rober Schuller to train. The fact that they went out of the church for training should have been a huge danger signal to anyone with even a little understanding of the SDA beliefs. The Lord said, Come out of her my people and BE YE SEPARATE. The SOP says not to go to them to learn because they have nothing for us. Yet our church seems to be bent on returning to the apostate church of the world.

I contend that, in part, this happened because in some cases ministers from other churches were brought straight into our church as full-fledged SDA ministers without enough grounding. The foundation that used to be built so carefully before allowing baptism has been neglected because numbers of baptisms became more important than preparation for baptism. I could site many cases where people have been baptised while smoking, drinking, and/or living common law. I really don’t believe that heaven approves these baptisms. It serves to bring error into the church rather than bring salvation to souls.

I know that some people are going to come back with, “You shouldn’t criticize the church.” That is a favorite cry of the liberals. But I also know that SOP says that when there is error, if we know about it and don’t raise our voices against it, we are participants in it. There have been and continue to be far too few voices raised against the worldliness that has, and continues to be, brought into our church.

I am thankful for this site as it is functioning as a watchman on the walls. I believe God ordains that Educate Truth raises the alarm concerning LSU and other institutions and what is being taught there. I only wish this had been nipped in the bud years and years ago. There will be many in positions of trust who will be held accountable for this fiasco. I only hope that the leadership of today will learn a lesson from the past and continue to stand for the truth though the heavens fall.

I appeal to all to pray, pray for our beloved church. The shaking is upon us and our church will be purified of this worldliness, but, sadly, many will be shaken out and eternally lost. As we approach the Sabbath tonight, I hope you will unite with me in raising many prayers for the purification of our church and our own souls. God help us and bless us all.

Recent Comments by Faith

Changing the Wording of Adventist Fundamental Belief #6 on Creation
And you are correct, Sean, PK must consider where his influence is going–for God or against Him.

Southern Adventist University opens Origins Exhibit
Mr Taylor,

After reading your comment above, I must say PK isn’t the only one in that boat.I would make some comment as to how I really feel about you, but I know Sean will only delete it and you won’t benefit from my insight anyway–seeing as Sean is more concerned about other people’s feelings than you seem to be.

How you have the nerve to come to this website and call us all a bunch of morons (which is really what you are doing) is beyond me. You and your cronies are the ones drowning in error. Anyone who dares to accept man’s opinions over the Bible or SOP isn’t to be trusted to define truth for anyone.

Too straight-forward in my comment? Trust me, I have restrained myself admirably. If you only knew….

Southern Adventist University opens Origins Exhibit
Further to my comment on skeptism and our professors, I’ve got to tell you that I found Prof Kent to be extremely annoying in his comments on EGW. He seems to think that she is an embarrassment to the church when she speaks on Science.

Personally I find people who dis her to be the embarrassment to the church. I really don’t see how they dare to contradict and mock God’s prophet. By doing this they undermine a lot of our church’s beliefs to outsiders as well as church members. God will hold them accountable for that.

Furthermore, David’s unpublished manuscript plus other books I have read on archaeology have reported skeletons of the type that EGW mentions. Also found were artifacts such as huge iron bedsteads made for and buried with kings of huge stature.

Just because you haven’t done your research, PK, don’t jump to the conclusion the evidence isn’t there. It’s there, all right, and you make yourself look a little foolish for not knowing about it.

Southern Adventist University opens Origins Exhibit
David Read said:

“Ellen White’s statements about larger antediluvian life forms are well attested with regard to many different types of flora and fauna. They’re not even controversial…

Hi David,

As you know, I took advantage of your kind offer and I read your manuscript as well as I purchased 3 of your books, one for me, one for my sisters, and one for the church library. It took me a week to finish the book, and I and my sisters are very impressed with it. My one sister calls it “one incredible book”. It has answered a lot of the questions we had on the subject of evolution vs creation science, and, yes, I believe we (you and I and my sisters) are on the same page in our beliefs. We have immensely enjoyed discussing the various aspects of the subject as we read. It makes perfect sense to us.

I still have a couple of questions–new ones will probably always keep popping up–but I would say you have covered the subject admirably. Thanks so much for this book.

I agree with Elder Wilson, this is something every Adventist should read. In my opinion it should be used as required reading for science courses. It is exactly the way I would want science courses in the universities to treat the Creation/evolution debate in the classroom. And if the professors at LSU and the other SDA institutions would do this we wouldn’t be constantly losing our young people and, for that matter, our professors, to skeptisism.

Thank God someone has the courage to publish the truth and expose error.

God Bless you, David.

Southern Adventist University opens Origins Exhibit
Hi Sean and Bill,

I am wondering if the difference of opinion here is due to varying definitions of the word ‘science’. As we all know there is true science and there is worldly psuedo-science.

If Bill’s understanding of ‘science’ in this case is actually worldly psuedo-science, then he is correct in not wanting any truth to be compromised with it.

From Sean’s post, I believe he is referring to true science, which is definitely part of our beliefs on origins and is well supported by the Bible and SOP, as Sean admirably demonstrated.

Not having seen the exhibit myself, I cannot comment on whether or not they are mixing psuedo-science into it. (Perhaps a few of you posters out there can see the exhibit and report back to us.) Knowing the general philosophy of SAU, I would be surprised if they did.

Their goal is “to provide scientific evidence that substantiates the Bible’s account of creation.” Sounds good to me.
They also say: “Religion and science don’t need to be at odds.” And that is true when you are referring to true science, which I believe they are.

However, I do understand Bill’s reaction in that these days when people use the word ‘science’ without qualification it so often means evolutionary pseudoscience, that we tend to be suspicious.

I think, Bill, that in this case we don’t need to worry. I believe SAU’s heart is in the right place and I am so glad that at least one of our institutions is willing to stand up and be counted on the side of Creation, even though they will probably draw much criticism from the ‘scientific’ community as well as from the TEs in their own church.

God bless them for their fidelity to Him. And may God strengthen them to meet the onslaught that is most likely to follow, is my prayer for them.