@Sean Pitman: As I said, I’m not interested in arguing …

Comment on Michigan Conference vs. LSU – Right Wing Politics or Truth in Advertising? by Thinker.

@Sean Pitman:

As I said, I’m not interested in arguing with you further. If you want to characterize that as a “win,” go ahead. “Winning” is precious to a fundamentalist.

As for your incessant question, “Do you believe that Jesus was really a God-man, born of a virgin woman, walked on water, raised the dead, and was himself raised to life and went to heaven after being dead for three days?”:

I can only imagine these are the questions YOU struggle with, as these are, in your mind, the beliefs threatened by evolution. They go a-tumblin’ (for a fundamentalist) if Darwin is right! Which is why he will always be rejected by fundamentalists, no matter how overwhelming the evidence becomes.

Like I say, you could retain these beliefs AND respect evidence by upgrading to mainstream Christianity. Plus you wouldn’t have to get tongue-tied over how to reconcile biblical contradictions with literalism.

That is all I have to say.

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Michigan Conference vs. LSU – Right Wing Politics or Truth in Advertising?

Sean Pitman: I’m only wondering if you wish to clarify?

I am not on here to explain mainstream Christianity to you beyond the basic differences I already pointed out between it and fundamentalism. So stop badgering me. If you don’t understand it, read some books and stop mischaracterizing what I said.

Your implication that mainstream Christians aren’t really Christian is typical fundamentalist fare. I’m among the many who disagree. Frankly I think it’s quite arrogant to imagine that one’s own sincerity trumps that of others merely because their understanding of things religious is different from yours.

I told you before that I have no interest in arguing endlessly with you, especially not with your continued disingenuousness (as in claiming you would be “overjoyed” to find evidence that evolution is truth, etc.).

Feel free to take a final jab, but I will simply not respond to any further comments or questions. And to avoid any temptation to do so, I am choosing not even to see them (un-marking the follow-up flag). I regret you have not dispelled my distinct impression that fundamentalists worship cherished beliefs more than Truth. I can relate to that. I was there once.

Michigan Conference vs. LSU – Right Wing Politics or Truth in Advertising?

I am not going to endlessly debate you on this, so I expect this will be my last response.

As for your P.S. about biblical contradictions being “generally” minor, then what about the major ones, even if they are few? Or the many “minor” ones, if you are going to take the Bible as inerrant or useful at all for proof-texting?? I address this because, again, I plea for fundamentalists to upgrade to mainstream Christianity.

Re the topic at hand, I am wondering how you can be as well-read as you claim to be, and still find evolution to be such a mystery (even if you reject it), begging people to explain it to you—and couching it in words intended to imply it can’t be explained. Once again, I suspect your reading has been of other creationists ABOUT Darwin, evolution, etc. If you had studied Darwin, as opposed to about Darwin, I think your criticisms would contain more of a ring of credibility. (Same would be true of a person whose education was a night of watching pro & con YouTube clips on the topic.)

Regardless of what position a person takes on a topic, credibility is established by evidence that the person actually knows and understands the topic. I see no evidence from what you’ve said so far that you have ever actually read The Origin of Species or equivalent. I see evidence that you’ve read what people who share your religious stance have said about it. (Not saying you haven’t, but that I detect no evidence of it.)

Even if you disagreed with evolution, you would, if truly knowledgable, have something better to refute it than the absurd assertion that evolution takes as much faith as creation. Thoughtful people on both sides would see that statement is just plain ridiculous. One might not believe the evidence is adequate, but one cannot say with a straight face that there’s no evidence at all, putting it on the same par as believing a deity just spoke everything into instant existence (including fossils in place!).

Perhaps you mean you feel certain PARTS of evolution aren’t yet understood adequately for you to accept the whole. If so, say that! This illustrates a difference between religious fundamentalism (all-or-nothing thinking) and science. Fundamentalism requires all the answers, complete answers, absolute certainty of the answers. Fundamentalism is extremely defensive and hostile to evidence, because once a stand is taken, it CANNOT BE WRONG without the entire belief system falling apart! Therefore, by definition, no evidence, no matter how compelling, is evidence! Unless it’s supportive evidence.

Science, on the other hand, would NEVER claim to have all the answers, nor complete answers! Science has nothing to defend! Science BEGS to have people disagree with it and come up with a better, more accurate answer.

Your position seems to be, like other creationists, is that if there is anything whatsoever that science can’t explain, then it’s ALL bunk. Never mind the overwhelming evidence of fossils and bones—Satan put them there! Or maybe God put them there during creation, just to see if thinking people would be tricked and baffled, and then be sent to hell for employing reason with the brain God gave them. Go figure.

Yet we see creationists doing this all the time, picking something science has yet to figure out and holding it up with a great “Aha!!!” as if science is suddenly entirely quackery just because it doesn’t know something, or once got something wrong. Find something science still doesn’t know about evolution and Bingo! Ta-dum! Evolution is false! Unlike fundamentalism, science doesn’t claim to have all the answers, but that doesn’t stop the tired refrain, “Well, YOU don’t know how life started!” as if somehow this lack of information, not wallpapered over with the God-of-the-gaps, is some kind of a big revelation. But duh, we didn’t CLAIM to know the answer to that! We aren’t bewitched, bothered and bewildered by what we don’t know!

You also trot out the “argument” that evolution is only a “theory” (by putting it in quotes), pretending the word “theory” connotes a lack of factuality. Gravity is a theory too. Do you also doubt gravity because it is only a theory?

I will leave you with this. You can easily find countless things that humans, in spite of our scientific inquiry, still don’t understand—including missing knowledge about evolution, the human body, the universe, disease, weather, all sorts of things. The fact that we don’t know everything is no big “duh” to anyone but religious people who need to defend a cherished belief. No matter how you slice it, you simply cannot deny that there is now such overwhelming evidence for species evolving that it is now accepted as fact by most of the world, and certainly by nearly all scientists. Period. You can say you don’t believe them, but you can’t deny the bulk of existing science. Instead of denying the reality we know, on the pretense that what we don’t know invalidates everything we do know, it seems to me you should just be honest and say your religion doesn’t allow you to accept as real what everyone else has overwhelmingly accepted as real.

You could post every day of the year to assert that what we don’t know invalidates everything we know so far, based on overwhelming evidence. But that wouldn’t make it true.

To summarize my take on it, metaphor is a wonderful, useful literary device, not an enemy. When (a) a story is fantastical on the face of it to begin with, and when (b) we have mountains of evidence that it cannot be literal, then it is obviously metaphor. And there’s nothing wrong with that!

As M. Scott Peck put it so well in The Road Less Traveled, having our cherished beliefs challenged is unspeakably painful. Most people will put forth more effort to deny reality or to try to bend it to make it conform to their comfortable beliefs than would have been required to adjust their beliefs to conform to reality in the first place.

Seems clear to me that people who rail against the science of evolution do so to protect their religious beliefs, not to test, refine and adjust their beliefs. That is the difference between fundamentalists and the rest of us (including mainstream Christianity). We seek to know truth and reality wherever it leads, even if the news is bad (even if we have to painfully adjust a cherished belief).

Just as you wondered how I can believe in anything at all, when I could (supposedly) claim everything is metaphor (I guess you don’t realize metaphor doesn’t negate stuff, it restates and explains stuff), I would similarly ask you in return, If “faith” is the only reason to believe something, without any attention to evidence, then why don’t we all just pick whatever cozy beliefs strike our fancy—which is typically whatever faith we grow up in—and believe them by faith no matter how goofy they may prove to be? Personally, my faith is worthless and meaningless if it cannot be tempered or adjusted on the basis of evidence. There’s faith, and then there’s blind faith.

(That question was rhetorical. I don’t anticipate responding further. And by the way, I’m not sure what being a pathologist has to do with understanding evolution. I think any reasonably intelligent person can gain a good working knowledge of this topic simply by reading—both sides directly, NOT just what one side says about the other.)

Michigan Conference vs. LSU – Right Wing Politics or Truth in Advertising?
@Sean Pitman:

The reason I didn’t, and won’t, get caught up in all you bring up is that you’re being disingenuous. You’re basically challenging how millions of good Christians can be mainstream instead of fundamentalist. There are gazillions of books on it—a ton of material for the serious questioner.

Ditto re metaphor. It’s as if the writer has to TELL you it’s metaphor because you can’t discern it through deduction. If you don’t see why and how the story of Adam & Eve (and its requisite incest) must (and easily can) be seen as metaphor in light of what we now know about the world and its flora and fauna, then the scope of any answer I might give in this short space would be woefully inadequate.

I accept as a given that you would deny any contradictions in the Bible, that’s what defines you as fundamentalist. For every contradiction, there are one or more rationale for explaining it away. (The ones about slavery can be quite amusing.) Mainstream Christians acknowledge those contradictions up front, without damage to their faith. They don’t try to have it both ways. My earlier point was that you can’t selectively latch on to one text and claim it’s the literal final word on something, and then find a rationale for disregarding the contradictory statements in the gospels. If you are going to insist every text means exactly what it says, then you can’t add “except for the contradictory ones.” You can’t take license to say God had the gospel writers write conflicting accounts so people would find them more credible. That doesn’t fly in the context of literalism. I think if people are going to find the part about coming back to life from the dead credible, then consistency in the details won’t be disconcerting!

Another illustration of your disingenuousness is your distortion of the meaning of the term “fundamentalism”—as if a healthy fundamental approach to things is the same thing as religious fundamentalism (all-or-nothing thinking, total certainty, contempt for evidence and science except when it supports the cherished belief, etc.)

To my mind, this kind of thing makes you unworthy of any attempt at meaningful dialog with you. But the most egregious disingenuousness you display is your statement to the effect that if I understand evolution so well, then “please explain it to me.” Why should I do that? Get a grip! It is abundantly obvious you have never studied it, and indeed need it explained, but get off the rhetorical pretense of wanting it explained, and actually find out. Read a book, for God’s sake!

It truly amazes me how one can be so blissfully unembarrassed while saying things like “your views [on evolution] are no less religious or “fundamental” than those you accuse of being stuck in the Dark Ages [your words] in a blind-faith religion.” LOL. That may sound like a winning talking point to you, but it’s preposterous. One view is based on a truckload of science, history and physical evidence. The other is not.

And finally, you assert that the basic principles of random mutations and natural selection is something which I, myself, “don’t remotely understand.” Such a statement makes me wonder why I bother responding to you alt all. Are you imagining that just because YOU haven’t studied it, and YOU don’t remotely understand it (which you acknowledge), that nobody else does, either??? Again, get a grip! I understand it quite well. I READ! I study. I learn. I am informed, and informed on both sides. I HAVE read Darwin. I HAVE read Wallace (do you even know who he was?).

If it makes you feel better to have company, I’m confident there’s not one in a thousand Creationists who have read a single book on evolution. Talk to one for a minute or two and you can see how abysmally ignorant they are on what evolution is—they make the dumbest remarks about it, demonstrating they haven’t a clue. Your own ignorance of it is further evidenced by your snide remark of “please do explain it to me,” as if it CAN’T be explained, and your false assertion that it takes “faith” to believe the scientific explanation. Well, it would for YOU, given that you don’t want to find out what’s behind it.

This is what happens when all you listen to or read is the material put forth by other Creationists—and then imagine you have a handle on it and can speak intelligently about it. You’ll never learn much about the thing you rail against, if you only read fellow apologists. Several years ago, on a Darwin anniversary, the airwaves were bombarded with stories about Darwin and evolution. I happened to have to take a 20-hour car trip into the South at that time, and it seemed the only thing I could get on the radio was religious stations running refutations of evolution. They can be amusing and they pass the time; I listened to a number of them. Without exception—and this includes two polished ABN presentations by SDA preachers on TV after I got to my destination—every speaker denounced the evolutionary notion that life could just pop up from nowhere, out of nothing! Well, there are two things wrong with that. First, evolution doesn’t address the origin of life! Darwin himself didn’t have a clue, nor did he claim to! Second, if a deity speaks something into existence, isn’t THAT something popping up out of nothing?

I recount the above to illustrate the vastness of the ignorance about evolution among the strongest deniers of it. They haven’t a clue, and that’s how they can flippantly remark, “If you can explain that to me, then please do!” They scoff, for example, at their own self-concocted notion of how the human eye could have evolved—like the absurdity of likening it to a watch coming together after shaking the parts together for a million years. They haven’t a clue, nor do they want one. The cherished belief is carved in stone. Evidence is unwelcome. So they keep parroting the same tired, false notions about evolution that they’ve gleaned from other anti-evolutionists. Sigh.

In summary, I wish all fundamentalists would upgrade to mainstream Christianity, where common sense and a prayerful attitude trumps proof-texting and absolute certainty. Until that happens, fundamentalists would do well to leave some things between the person and his or her God. But then that would risk the color gray. Not a comfy feeling.