Comment on God, Sky & Land – by Brian Bull and Fritz Guy by Lydian.
What I have hard time understanding is why these people were allowed to remain in their positions for decades instead of being removed from their teaching positions years ago–back when all of this was starting. Surely someone in a position of authority must have known what was going on. It would have been a whole lot easier to pull up a small “weed” then before it became the monstrous, poisonous “tree” it is today. It makes you wonder if there is anybody you can trust in positions of authority.
This is very unsettling to those of us who were taught years ago that these people were “God’s anointed” and we should render them respect and confidence. It reminds me of the way the priests of Israel turned their backs on what God had told them to do and instead led the whole nation into sin. Is this the situation we find ourselves in today? It surely does seem like it!
I’m sure I’m not the only one whose faith in “leadership” has been severely shaken. I’m also sure Satan and his helpers must be laughing so hard they have a hard time standing up. I’m afraid we have reached the place where it will be a case of “everyone for himself with the help of God” if any of us make it to the other shore.
A lot of us are going to have to answer to God about this and the loss of the many souls that have been led away from Him as a result.
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Lydian Also Commented
God, Sky & Land – by Brian Bull and Fritz Guy
“And if we are waiting for someone to “care” who will do anything about it, I suspect we are in for a long wait.”
And I more than suspect you are right, Bill!
It’s been several months since the GC met in Atlanta and we heard such wonderful promises about the problem being worked on–but, there has been since then, almost total silence.
I realize private sin must be handled quietly but this certainly isn’t “private.” The opposition is making sure it’s out there for the whole world to see and, to me anyway, the almost total silence from us these past months will lead the “world” to believe we are a pretty weak kneed bunch that really does’t have a position worth defending. Meanwhile, the evolution side is going all-out to publicly make their point–and to make us look silly. I just don’t understand it!
As for the GRI, I am shocked and saddened at their total lack of involvement. At the very least (or so it seems to me) they should be putting out some attractive information that defends our belief. There are other sites out there that are strongly standing up for Creation and putting out beautiful articles, videos, books and other information for all the world to see–and their offerings are for folks from the cradle to the grave–while we
are cowering in the background in total silence.
What in this world is wrong with US? Is the Michigan Conference the only organization in our whole church that is willing to stand up and be counted?
I don’t mean to be critical but I am simply bewildered at the way things have gone since the GC in Atlanta–and I am sure I’m not the only one.
Will the Lord find any sort of faith in our church when He comes? At the rate we rate we are going, I doubt it! (It’s no wonder that God calls us Laodiceans! How much longer will He wait before He spews us out of His mouth?
God, Sky & Land – by Brian Bull and Fritz Guy
Sorry to be so slow answering your question as why they don’t form their own church instead of sticking with us.
It’s really quite simple. If they left they would simply be a “little frog in a big puddle” instead of “a big frog in a smaller puddle.” I could be wrong but I believe they want to take over LSU first–and then the rest of the church little by little–or maybe in one big swoop. Wouldn’t they just love to sit in the chair of the GC president?
But, thankfully, God has drawn a line which they cannot cross. They are not challenging weak human beings but the God of the universe and He will not be trifled with. He is giving them enough rope to hang themselves on but they cannot go beyond that line which He has made.
We have been told that there will be a big “shaking” of the Adventist church shortly before Jesus comes. I believe this is bringing it on–and it is just one more sign that Jesus coming is a whole lot closer than we think! The important thing (as I see it) is for us as individuals to be ready to meet Him. Let’s not get so tied up in this or any other distraction that we end up losing our own salvation.
EGW tells us over and over again that it is of the most importance that we, as individuals, understand the prophecies of Daniel and the Revelation. These are the most necessary books of the Bible for us to know, understand, and preach to the world at this time in history.
I’ll admit I do not know them as well as I should and my daughter (with whom I live) and I are endeavoring to make it our first priority–to study them until we understand them well enough to share them with others in a meaningful way. At 87 I probably don’t have a lot of time left but will do the best I can during it and hope I can be a help to my daughter since often “two heads can be better than one!”
“Even so, come Lord Jesus!”
God, Sky & Land – by Brian Bull and Fritz Guy
There is something else I would like for someone to tell me—
Where in the world is the GRI in all of this? I have searched the internet and find virtually nothing there that would attract anybody to what it has to say–if it has anything to say.
There are several non-Adventists sites that are full of books, videos, etc. They have these things for Toddlers through University students and they are attractively presented and a lot that aren’t very expensive.
I thought we were supposed to be the head and not the tail in all things Biblical. From what I’ve been able to find our “outreach” on the web isn’t even a very impressive “tail”!
I asked this question once before and was told GRI was basically a “research center.” But nobody explained to me what earthly good a “research center” is if it’s “research” isn’t posted in an attractive way and made available to the public?
True, these centers do not yet teach the Sabbath but maybe God is holding His Hand over this right now for reasons only He knows about. My personal conviction is that the honest in heart–which these people seem to be–will see it and proclaim it when God sees the time is right. Will these folks be ready to meet Jesus when He comes while some of the rest of us are standing there wondering “what happened?”
Recent Comments by Lydian
Louie Bishop Testifies, Again, about His Experience at La Sierra University
Larry, don’t throw out the baby with the bath water. Just get rid of those who teach and and support that which is contrary to the 28 SDA fundamental beliefs.
The reality of creation is the basis of our name
This is a wonderful sermon. Due to problems with my Hope Chanel system I was unable to listen to it so was delighted to see it printed on your website. I was able to make a printed copies of it to share with some friends who also were not able to hear it. Thanks so much!
LSU graduate comments on LSU conflict
A short while back a dear friend sent me an email with lots of beautiful pictures showing a garden (somehow I lost the site) in which every bush had been transformed into a bird, an animal–even a child. It was absolutely magnificent!
As I looked at one of the amazing displays I started wondering what would happen if I was actually in that garden and approached a group of people who were also enjoying the beauty it held. And if after a few moments I said something like this:
“This is so beautiful–and to think Nature did it all on her own! It is truly amazing of what she can do if people will just back off and let her do her own thing.”
What would their reaction have been? (I suspect they would have thought I was somewhat deranged and slowly backed away and left before I became violent!)
Obviously that garden had a lot of very talented hands (and minds) behind all of that beauty and I suspect they were there every day clipping away the stray twigs and leaves that started appearing here and there.)
But is my disbelief in evolution unreasonable, and show my lack of knowledge (as some scientists contend), when I question that this beautiful world just “evolved” from chaos with no intelligent mind behind it? Why can’t we see it happening today? Who turned off the switch? And why?
I’m not a scientist but if this isn’t a case of “The Emperor Has No Clothes” I don’t know what one would be. We are often overwhelmed with the many wonderful and useful things humans have come up with that makes our lives more livable but every new invention or other things ALWAYS have a creative mind behind them. Why is it so difficult to recognize that the wonderful world we live in HAD to have an intelligent mind behind it? What ever happened to common sense?
A New Endowment Program for Adventist Education
So here I sit–a “very old lady”–totally confused and not having a clue as to whether to donate or not–or where to donate if I should.
As things stand now I think I will just continue putting my own little amount to my current “missionary out reach” of buying “Steps to Christ” and “Who Do You Think You Are?” and passing them on to the clerks in the stores where I shop or other people I meet that I think would like them.
If and when you folks decide on what, how and where to help in this very worthy project let me know and I’ll do what I can then.
LSU graduate comments on LSU conflict
When Man’s wisdom–however intelligent it may sound, or how many “letters” there are behind someone’s name (or even a lot of “someones”) that proclaim it–if it contradicts a single plain “Thus saith the Lord” it is NOT “present truth!” however much it may appeal to the liberal minds of millions who may wish an easier way to get to heaven.
I fear we are a long way from being the “people of the Book” we once were! But, guess what!–God knew this would happen and He called the last of the seven churches “Laodicea.” Truly, we are saying, “I am rich…and have need of nothing.” (After all, folks didn’t have the brilliant scientists such as we have today when You told Moses–and even our Adventist pioneers
–You did it is six literal days and rested the seventh!)
I am NOT against true science or scientists! There definitely is a real place for it (and them) and I truly believe it is “God given.” I have a LOT of respect for true science and true scientists but when someone–anyone–goes against a plain “Thus saith the Lord” they lose me. (Not that these folks really care if a very “ignorant”, very “old lady” doesn’t believe them!) But God does and that’s enough for me!
As Bob said–“All have free will. To each his own.” I agree! (But I still tremble for those who believe ideas contrary to what God says–even if it comes from the mouth of a renowned scientist, an “Adventist” teacher or an “Adventist” preacher. (Please forgive me if I have misunderstood or misjudged anyone.)