@Sean Pitman: I was not clear enough in my comment. …

Comment on Gary Gilbert, Spectrum, and Pseudogenes by Nathan.

@Sean Pitman:
I was not clear enough in my comment. There are 14 ERV’s that are intact and able to produce virus that we share with the chimps. These occur at the same location in the genome of both humans and chimps. There is no question as to the function of these 14 ERV’s. Some of these are associated with disease states in humans. If these are a product of design by God then why is reverse transcriptase part of the code in these viruses? They could have been placed directly in the genome as DNA. Did God design us to have disease? Would it not be more likely that these represent the past viral attacks on a common ancestor which were then incorporated into the germ cell and passed on the future generations of descendants? It would only require one ERV to prove common descent and we have 14. Ask yourself what is more reasonable?