I just want to add my appreciation to you Sean, …

Comment on Common Arguments Against a 7-Day Creation Week by Chris Chan.

I just want to add my appreciation to you Sean, for you excellent response to Dr. Hoehn. I can never do as good a job as you . Thanks again.

Your comments needs to be read as widely as possible. Might I suggest that you post all your responses on Adventist Today also so that readers there will get the full benefits of your efforts.

Recent Comments by Chris Chan

Is La Sierra University Legally Distancing Itself from the Church?
Wesley may be right but to a non-legal mind like me, if one isn’t “aligned”, then it must be “diverging”. Perhaps to hit all the bases, it should be “aligned AND congruent”!!! Grrrrr!

Is La Sierra University Legally Distancing Itself from the Church?
The official title of the Union is “Pacific Union Conference of SDA”. The proposed changes have dropped the phrase “Conference of SDA” but have maintained it when referring to local conferences such as for Arizona. Why not be consistent?

I did like section 6.98a where it states that the board should run the university so as to be “aligned with the goals, philosophy, and objectives of the SDA Church.” All that is needed is to see that the policy is followed.

Another Student’s Perspective of La Sierra University
I want to thank this person for his report. It certainly backs up Mr Bishop’s story.

I now want Pr. Graham, the Chairman of LSU Board, to read this report and tell us what he intends to do about it.

To me, LSU is doing the classic “bait and switch” trick when it advertizes itself as a SDA university. It is deceitful to be doing so.

Louie Bishop Testifies, Again, about His Experience at La Sierra University
Larry, don’t throw out the baby with the bath water. Just get rid of those who teach and and support that which is contrary to the 28 SDA fundamental beliefs.

Louie Bishop Testifies, Again, about His Experience at La Sierra University
I too want to thank Louie for standing up to what he believes. His old profs are just bullies. See what EGW has to say and call such people :

“But the infidel supposition, that the events of the first week required seven vast, indefinite periods for their accomplishment, strikes directly at the foundation of the Sabbath of the fourth commandment. It makes indefinite and obscure that which God has made very plain. It is the worst kind of infidelity; for with many who profess to believe the record of creation, it is infidelity in disguise. It charges God with commanding men to observe the week of seven literal days in commemoration of seven indefinite periods, which is unlike his dealings with mortals, and is an impeachment of his wisdom. {3SG 91.1} ”

Wow! “worst kind of infidelity” I didn’t even know that there are different kinds of infidelity. No wonder HMS Richards would be spinning in his grave if he knew! This would be funny if it wasn’t so sad and serious.