This is 100% correct, and there is nothing more that …

Comment on Changing the Wording of Adventist Fundamental Belief #6 on Creation by Bill Taylor.

This is 100% correct, and there is nothing more that can be added to this statement to make it any more clearer than how you stated it here in this post. It all basically comes down to who you give your allegiance and honor to.

Bill Taylor Also Commented

Changing the Wording of Adventist Fundamental Belief #6 on Creation
By faith you believe in creation and by faith you believe in evolution!! What do you want to place your faith in God or Man?

Changing the Wording of Adventist Fundamental Belief #6 on Creation
I cannot believe what I read in this article! Why is the General Conference tolerating such non-Biblical thinking to creep into our Fundamental Beliefs? We used to take pride in believing what the Bible presented in plain sight but we have let the “scholars” throw in their own ideas and change it all. If people do not like our beliefs let them create their own church and stop messing with ours!!! Are we so greedy for their monies that we will change what God has said just to please them and keep them in the church? A single person (pope) or a group of people (General Conference “Scholars”) cannot rewrite what God has said. All of you who think you must add your disagreements with plain Biblical teachings–LOVE THEM OR LEAVE!!! Romans 1:22 comes to mind