@Academic: Regarding Ecclesiastes 9:11 In other words, the teacher is saying …

Comment on Angry Scientists: Publishing on Intelligent Design by Sean Pitman.


Regarding Ecclesiastes 9:11

In other words, the teacher is saying that we are all victims of circumstance. I understand him and agree. How does that contradict the most inescapable deduction of philosophy? Nature is not self-acting; every particle of the universe moves as God dictates; and God’s sovereignty includes God’s passive consent to the purposes and actions of all created living things.

If every particle of the universe moved as God directly dictated there would be no freewill or possibility of rebellion against God’s will. There would also be no possibility of any kind of accident or evil outside of God’s direct action. This is contrary to the thinking of the biblical authors who seemed to understand the concept of natural law – that God put into place certain very consistent laws of nature that seem to function outside of any need for constant mindful manipulation. Does God really need to mindfully carve every snowflake that falls on this planet? – for example? Or, did He simply put in place a set of natural laws to govern such things outside of the need for direct intelligent manipulation? – as in the creation of some mechanical system that, after it is created, works pretty much on its own independent of the constant need of additional outside intelligent input…

This biblical concept of natural law is illustrated by such stories as one where the Philistines sent the Ark of God back to Israel after many catastrophes struck them when they took it from Israel. The author of this account writes:

If it [the cart with the Ark of God on it] goes up to its own territory, toward Beth Shemesh, then the LORD has brought this great disaster on us. But if it does not, then we will know that it was not his hand that struck us and that it happened to us by chance.” 1 Samuel 6:9 NIV

This passage is describing a kind of scientific test with the hypotheses being between a deliberate act of God vs. an unusual collection random natural catastrophes that just came along by “chance”. In author words, the biblical author here had the idea of natural law and apparently random or “chance” occurrences that took place outside of the direct will of God.

Beyond this, we are talking about the concept of apparent randomness or “chance” since true randomness cannot be absolutely proven. Apparent randomness is defined as a lack of predictability from a given perspective of limited knowledge. Someone else might know enough information to understand that the pattern that you think looks entirely random or chaotic and non-predictable is in fact non-random and entirely predictable.

So, how does one detect the need for deliberate design to explain a given phenomenon? How do forensic scientists or anthropologists do it? How do SETI scientists propose doing it? It would be impossible to detect design or use scientific reasoning at all if everything appeared random and non-predictable from the human perspective. It must mean then that we are able to detect predictable biases because science actually works. It may also be possible, therefore, to use these biases to detect the need to invoke ID in certain special cases.

For instance, if the phenomenon in question goes beyond what all known apparently non-deliberate mindless forces of nature are capable of achieving while being well within the creative potential of at least human-level intelligence, the ID hypothesis gains rational support and useful predictive value.

I reject your belief that random mindless processes control nature. Nature is under God’s sovereign control. It is clear that Ecclesiastes 9:11 presents the observation of a human teacher that everyone should find easy to believe. Certainly most humans recognize the truth of his words. The only thing that the teacher is saying is that there is disorder on the social level.

There is apparent randomness or non-predictability on both the social and natural levels. Time and chance occurrences include unexpected accidents or natural calamities that are simply not predictable from our perspective. You may argue that God is still in control, but this is not a directly testable hypothesis subject to scientific evaluation or potential falsification.

You must know that the Bible acknowledges the existence of an intelligent designer that creates disorder (Matthew 13:24-28). So when are you going to apply Intelligent Design theory to unmask the evil one scientifically?

You have to get to the point where you acknowledge the scientific basis of detecting the need for general intelligence first; before you start working on motive…

Your hasty rush to judgment is unwarranted. My point is that, in Christian philosophy, everything is by design and that it is impossible to prove the absence of design because the conclusions are virtually tautological.

I’m not trying to prove the absence of design. Such a hypothesis cannot be proven or disproven, as noted above. All that can be said when something seems apparently random or non-deliberate is that one cannot tell the difference from a truly random or non-deliberate process of nature.

Can intelligence mimic randomness or mindless natural production? Absolutely. However, can mindless natural processes produce all that deliberate intelligence can produce? No. Because of this differential, it is possible to gain a very high degree of scientific confidence in the theory that only deliberate intelligence can explain certain types of phenomena…

As far as I’m aware, there isn’t a single paper which produces either an example of such evolution in real time nor any kind of mathematical/statistical analysis as to the odds that such evolution could theoretically take place in a reasonable amount of time… – Sean Pitman

And I don’t believe that there’s a single paper that refutes the possibility.

Everything is “possible”, as you note, but not everything is likely. This is a key problem with your argument. Science doesn’t deal with what is merely possible, but with what is actually likely. Without predictive value, you don’t have a scientific theory. All you have are just-so stories without any predictive or scientific value.

In this line, there are a number of papers that demonstrate the extremely unlikely potential of RM/NS to produce higher level functional information this side of a practical eternity of time. Meyer’s paper and new book (Signature in the Cell) is just one person’s argument. I’ve have a bit of a different twist, but I present basically the same argument on my website and in my new book, “Turtles All the Way Down” as well. A number of others have presented similar arguments – to include Behe in his book, “The Edge of Evolution”.

What I posted is what the loyal opposition respects. And it is your failure to acknowledge and deal honestly with the mainstream countervailing view that is considered unconscionable.

What topic, in particular, have I not covered? Have you read anything from my website on this topic? What key opposing arguments have I overlooked? I haven’t seen you present a single counterargument yet…

There is no point in debating a particular style of grasping at straws. The arguments in Meyer’s paper are not scientific and it is clear to me that the reactions of the skeptics do not resemble the responses of intellectually defeated adversaries.

Upon what basis do you consider Meyer’s arguments unscientific? Have you read the paper? Do you understand his arguments about the rarity of potentially beneficial sequences in sequence space? Do you grasp the significance of this argument? Do you not understand the mathematical and statistical implications of what this means for the notion that RM/NS can produce anything at all beyond very low levels of functional complexity?

It is one thing to make blanket bald assertions like you’ve done here. It is quite another thing to back up your just-so statements and general bravado with some actual statistically-relevant arguments of your own – specifically regarding the likely creative potential of the mechanism of RM/NS beyond very low levels of functional complexity.

Sean Pitman

Sean Pitman Also Commented

Angry Scientists: Publishing on Intelligent Design
@Professor Kent:

Why not at least try and seriously address this serious question? Do you really think that such questions are invalid? – Sean Pitman

I have. The fact that we’re back to this conversation should make clear to you (as it no doubt is to others) that we are at an impasse. You will continue to denigrate faith, and I will continue to defend it. Except that I’m finished doing so.

I don’t remember where you’ve defended your position beyond simply claiming that you’re right and everyone else is wrong. Do you not claim that your faith in the credibility of the Bible is superior to someone else’s faith in the Book of Mormon? or the Qur’an? – based what? You say that there need be no basis in science or evidence. You say that, “faith trumps science and evidence”. So what then is your ultimate basis for assuming the superiority of your faith in the Bible vs. other competing options?

If faith does in fact trump science and evidence, upon what basis is one able to tell which faith is correct? – faith in the Bible? – or the Book of Mormon? or the Qur’an? or the Flying Spaghetti Monster? How does one tell the difference if faith does in fact “trump science and evidence”?

Again, this is a sincere question and I’d be most interested in a serious response to this question. So far I’ve only seen you make fun of this question. I haven’t seen where you’ve even tried to seriously address this particular question. Why not?

Sean Pitman

Angry Scientists: Publishing on Intelligent Design
@Kenneth Christman, M.D.:

Science is the practice of observation, hypothesizing, experimentation, and forming proofs, or conclusions. We cannot experiment with any of the 3 options (evolution, ID, Biblical Creationism), since nobody was around when these events took place and there is no experiment that could be devised to observe any proof. But, solid evidence is abundant, and it is all in the Bible, which we should all be exploring OUTSIDE the realm of any mystic, who will invariable mislead us.

You reference the historical fulfillment of prophecy as evidence for the Divine origin of the Bible. Yet, the study of history and the notion that certain specific events actually happened in history, is based on a form of scientific reasoning known as abductive reasoning.

This abductive scientific reasoning includes your reference to “the practice of observation, hypothesizing, experimentation, and forming proofs, or conclusions.” While scientific methodologies never absolutely prove anything, they are open to testing and the potential of falsification – as are your notions regarding the true nature of history and fulfilled prophecy. These ideas of yours could, at least in theory, be falsified by additional information which you are not currently aware.

So, in short, your idea that the Bible has superior credibility is based on certain forms of scientific arguments and empirical data. You are not appealing to internal features of the Bible alone. You are in fact comparing internal statements of the Bible with external information within the world outside of the Bible to see if they match. That’s a scientific concept… a scientific argument which is open to testing and potential falsification with the weight of evidence. In other words, if the biblical statements did not match the weight of evidence for a particular interpretation of historical reality, this would work against biblical credibility…

Sean Pitman

Angry Scientists: Publishing on Intelligent Design
@Professor Kent:

Is this choice [to believe that the Bible is more credible than other competing options] simply based on a deep feeling or desire? Or, is there some sort of empirically-based reasoning involved? – a form of science? – Sean Pitman

Personally, for me, it comes down to the shape of my toes… – Prof. Kent

Why try to make fun of my question? You yourself seem to recognize the need to appeal to at least some sort of empirical basis for belief in the Bible over other competing options – as in your appeal to certain historically fulfilled Biblical prophesies as evidence, empirically-based evidence, for the greater validity of the Bible.

Yet, when someone comes along and suggests that we need to believe the Bible, even given a situation where every bit of empirical evidence is against the validity of the Bible, you support such arguments as well. It seems to me like you’re trying to straddle the fence…

How is such a position, a position of belief or faith in the credibility of the Bible even when all empirical evidence is against it as far as one can tell, superior to those who hold that some other source of authority is superior to the Bible because they have “faith” in this other source (regardless of any empirical argument) or because they Holy Spirit, or some other spirit, has given them some kind of internal impression?

Why not at least try and seriously address this serious question? Do you really think that such questions are invalid?

Sean Pitman

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Thank you Ariel. Hope you are doing well these days. Miss seeing you down at Loma Linda. Hope you had a Great Thanksgiving!

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Thank you Colin. Just trying to save lives any way I can. Not everything that the government does or leaders do is “evil” BTW…

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Only someone who knows the future can make such decisions without being a monster…

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Where did I “gloss over it”?

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I fail to see where you have convincingly supported your claim that the GC leadership contributed to the harm of anyone’s personal religious liberties? – given that the GC leadership does not and could not override personal religious liberties in this country, nor substantively change the outcome of those who lost their jobs over various vaccine mandates. That’s just not how it works here in this country. Religious liberties are personally derived. Again, they simply are not based on a corporate or church position, but rely solely upon individual convictions – regardless of what the church may or may not say or do.

Yet, you say, “Who cares if it is written into law”? You should care. Everyone should care. It’s a very important law in this country. The idea that the organized church could have changed vaccine mandates simply isn’t true – particularly given the nature of certain types of jobs dealing with the most vulnerable in society (such as health care workers for example).

Beyond this, the GC Leadership did, in fact, write in support of personal religious convictions on this topic – and there are GC lawyers who have and continue to write personal letters in support of personal religious convictions (even if these personal convictions are at odds with the position of the church on a given topic). Just because the GC leadership also supports the advances of modern medicine doesn’t mean that the GC leadership cannot support individual convictions at the same time. Both are possible. This is not an inconsistency.