Hello, I’m at the Minnesota Conference where Sean spoke at …

Comment on A big reason why so many people are leaving the church by Marilyn Carlson.


I’m at the Minnesota Conference where Sean spoke at Camp Meeting last summer. I saw a quote in an essay appearing on the CNN website yesterday that I thought Sean would find interesting. The essay is titled “Why I Believe in God” from a man named LZ Granderson; I love this quote.

“When you get right down to it, everyone is walking in faith… it’s just not faith in the same thing. Thus I find the religion vs science debate a tad useless in the larger scheme of things. To me religion is man’s attempt to figure out who God is and science is man’s attempt to figure out what God is up to; both saddled with the same flaw – man.”

I thought that was a very succinct summary of both disciplines.

Have a blessed year,

Marilyn Carlson