Bob, I’m not going to argue with you but I …

Comment on A big reason why so many people are leaving the church by Lydian Belknap.

Bob, I’m not going to argue with you but I still maintain that whatever God revealed to Moses about creation or when He did it, it was still “history” and not “prophecy.” Prophecy is a telling of the unknown FUTURE–not the past. Telling what has already happened is HISTORY–not prophecy.

Only God can reveal the future–and He stakes His claim to being the one and only true GOD by being the ONLY ONE who CAN, and does, reveal the unknown future–sometimes centuries in advance– and have it happen just exactly as He said it would–right on time and correct in every detail.

I am not running true science down. It can and should be studied–but Satan can (and does) twist it to fit his agenda whenever he can so we need to be cautious about what we accept as “fact” and what we don’t (no matter how acclaimed and famous the speaker may be.) And, although he has a far more brilliant mind than any scientist who ever lived, God has never allowed him to meddle with prophecy. As I have mentioned earlier, prophecies are what we need to be giving to the whole world. If these are true (and so far none have failed) then these are the ones that will give people confidence that God is who He says he is and so give us a solid reason to believe what He said He did.
She especially states (over and over and over again) that we should especially preach and teach the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation. She says they were especially given for our time in history and that they should be thoroughly studied
and preached to our own people as well as to the world. I have over 30 pages of typewritten messages from many of her different books in which she plainly states that only those who have a thorough knowledge of these two prophetic books will finally receive the seal of God and enter in through the gates and into the city. Satan knows that and for this reason he does everything in his power to prevent them from being studied.

I have a picture that “says it all” as far as I am concerned. It is a picture of a rear view mirror on a car and it shows Jesus second coming. The caption on the mirror says “The image in the mirror is closer than it appears.”

I believe this with all my heart. “Even so, come Lord Jesus!”

Lydian Belknap Also Commented

A big reason why so many people are leaving the church

Bob Ryan: There isn’t a question in my mind but this is an extremely special joy to Satan and all of his co-workers–both human and the angels that fell with him– but I still think prophecy is the only way to convince honest hearted, thinking people where truth lies. Evolutionist and others like them can always come back with a different theory along “scientific” or “intellectual” lines that will throw many people off the track of where truth really lies but a correct understand of Biblicaloac truth.

But prophecy is an entirely different story. It is unrefutable. Things either happen the way God said they would or they don’t. And so far no one has been able to find a single instance where God said something would happen a certain way at a certain time and it didn’t happen exactly as He said it would. He stakes His whole reputation on His–and His alone–ability to foretell the future. That is completely out of the range of any fallen angel or human being–be they ever so brilliant scientists or brilliant any thing else. No one in heaven or earth has a mind like His–and no one in heaven or earth but God can tell us for sure what will happen even later on today much less tomorrow! Many people had no idea their lives would end suddenly when the recent tornados and floods hit–and many die everyday from unexpected accidents or illnesses. Not a single one of us have any assurance of “tomorrow.”

Yes, true science is important, a gift of God for our benefit and a blessing to all of us. But, like most everything else God has given us, Satan has corrupted it and much of what is called “science” today falls into that category. And, unfortunately, many “leading SCIENTISTS” today also fall into that category. As Christians we must test EVERYTHING with a “thus saith the Lord” or we will surely end up being deceived. I totally agree with Ellen White when she says that the only thing that is going to carry anyone through the coming crisis is a thorough knowledge and understanding of the books of Daniel and Revelation. (I have a long way to go on that!) Of course, we need to be very familiar with ALL of the Bible but she points out that these two books were written especially for our time in history and we ignore them at our peril.

All of this I truly believe. I’ll ever be a “scientist”–I simply do not have a “scientific mind” nor do I claim to being even a moderately knowledgeable theologian but I do believe what I do understand and, with God’s help, want to keep growing in a knowledge of His Word.

A big reason why so many people are leaving the church
Sorry, the above got “submitted’ accidentally. The fist paragraph should read:

“Bob Ryan: There isn’t a question in my mind but this is an extremely special joy to Satan and all of his co-workers–both human and the angels that fell with him– but I still think prophecy is the only way to convince honest hearted, thinking people where truth lies. Evolutionist and others like them can always come back with a different theory along “scientific” or “intellectual” lines that will throw many people off the track of where truth really lies.”

(Hopefully this is all that was messed up. I shouldn’t try to write something at almost midnight!)

A big reason why so many people are leaving the church
BobRyan says:
Lydian – prophecy includes what Moses wrote about creation given that Moses lived about 2500 years after creation. Only divine revelation via dream/vision could have given him such a clear picture of the event.In Romans 1 Paul says that the “invisible attributes of God are clearly seen” in the things that have been made so that those with no Bible at all are “without excuse”.In Romans 10 Paul says “faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God” and “then” Paul goes on to point out that the “Word of God” that everyone is “hearing” is that which is found in Christ,Bob


My Reply:

Bob, I believe you are onfusing history with prophecy

It is true God revealed these things to Moses in some way–the Bible is silent on just how and when it was done–but when God refers to using prophecy to prove He is the only true God it is my understanding that He is referring to distinct prophecies He gave to Bible prophets telling what things will happen in the FUTURE and roughly when–such as the king’s dream of the great image. Nowhere (that I have found in the Bible) does He indicate that Genesis 1 and on is considered “prophecy” that He claims only He can give. That is all stated as FACT, history, if you will–and nothing can be proven by “time” such as Daniel 2, etc. (And past history can never be called “prophecy!”)

As I understand it, true “prophecy” has a rough date for when it was given and who it was given to and, in some cases, when it would take place. In other cases exact “dates” (as we understand them) were “indicated” but not necessarily actually “given.”

I may be wrong, but I believe it is THESE prophecies that God points to that prove that He, and He alone, is the TRUE GOD.

Anyone can write a “history” of what he says he has done but only the true God can tell what will happen in the future and have it actually happen down to the smallest detail sometimes thousands of years later. It is THESE prophecies upon which He bases His claim to be the only true God–and to date not one has failed!

These are the prophecies we need to be giving to the whole world. If these are true (and so far none have failed) then these are the ones that will give people confidence that God is who He says He is and so give us a solid reason to believe what He said He did.

No amount of “science,” be it good or bad, can do this.

Recent Comments by Lydian Belknap

Louie Bishop Testifies, Again, about His Experience at La Sierra University
Larry, don’t throw out the baby with the bath water. Just get rid of those who teach and and support that which is contrary to the 28 SDA fundamental beliefs.

The reality of creation is the basis of our name
This is a wonderful sermon. Due to problems with my Hope Chanel system I was unable to listen to it so was delighted to see it printed on your website. I was able to make a printed copies of it to share with some friends who also were not able to hear it. Thanks so much!

LSU graduate comments on LSU conflict

A short while back a dear friend sent me an email with lots of beautiful pictures showing a garden (somehow I lost the site) in which every bush had been transformed into a bird, an animal–even a child. It was absolutely magnificent!

As I looked at one of the amazing displays I started wondering what would happen if I was actually in that garden and approached a group of people who were also enjoying the beauty it held. And if after a few moments I said something like this:

“This is so beautiful–and to think Nature did it all on her own! It is truly amazing of what she can do if people will just back off and let her do her own thing.”

What would their reaction have been? (I suspect they would have thought I was somewhat deranged and slowly backed away and left before I became violent!)

Obviously that garden had a lot of very talented hands (and minds) behind all of that beauty and I suspect they were there every day clipping away the stray twigs and leaves that started appearing here and there.)

But is my disbelief in evolution unreasonable, and show my lack of knowledge (as some scientists contend), when I question that this beautiful world just “evolved” from chaos with no intelligent mind behind it? Why can’t we see it happening today? Who turned off the switch? And why?

I’m not a scientist but if this isn’t a case of “The Emperor Has No Clothes” I don’t know what one would be. We are often overwhelmed with the many wonderful and useful things humans have come up with that makes our lives more livable but every new invention or other things ALWAYS have a creative mind behind them. Why is it so difficult to recognize that the wonderful world we live in HAD to have an intelligent mind behind it? What ever happened to common sense?


A New Endowment Program for Adventist Education
So here I sit–a “very old lady”–totally confused and not having a clue as to whether to donate or not–or where to donate if I should.

As things stand now I think I will just continue putting my own little amount to my current “missionary out reach” of buying “Steps to Christ” and “Who Do You Think You Are?” and passing them on to the clerks in the stores where I shop or other people I meet that I think would like them.

If and when you folks decide on what, how and where to help in this very worthy project let me know and I’ll do what I can then.

LSU graduate comments on LSU conflict
When Man’s wisdom–however intelligent it may sound, or how many “letters” there are behind someone’s name (or even a lot of “someones”) that proclaim it–if it contradicts a single plain “Thus saith the Lord” it is NOT “present truth!” however much it may appeal to the liberal minds of millions who may wish an easier way to get to heaven.

I fear we are a long way from being the “people of the Book” we once were! But, guess what!–God knew this would happen and He called the last of the seven churches “Laodicea.” Truly, we are saying, “I am rich…and have need of nothing.” (After all, folks didn’t have the brilliant scientists such as we have today when You told Moses–and even our Adventist pioneers
–You did it is six literal days and rested the seventh!)

I am NOT against true science or scientists! There definitely is a real place for it (and them) and I truly believe it is “God given.” I have a LOT of respect for true science and true scientists but when someone–anyone–goes against a plain “Thus saith the Lord” they lose me. (Not that these folks really care if a very “ignorant”, very “old lady” doesn’t believe them!) But God does and that’s enough for me!

As Bob said–“All have free will. To each his own.” I agree! (But I still tremble for those who believe ideas contrary to what God says–even if it comes from the mouth of a renowned scientist, an “Adventist” teacher or an “Adventist” preacher. (Please forgive me if I have misunderstood or misjudged anyone.)